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$218,000, thereby decreasing the ability of the community to produce programs about <br />local issues, people, organizations and activities; and <br />WHEREAS, HR 5252 and S 2686 would eliminate any build-out requirements for any <br />video service provider, thereby allowing providers to cherrypick the City's most lucrative <br />neighborhoods while leaving others unserved; and <br />WHEREAS, HR 5252 and S 2686 would permit companies that may not be financially, <br />legally, or technically qualified to get a license or franchise to build and operate a cable <br />systems in the City's public rights-of-way; and <br />WHEREAS, HR 5252 and S 2686 would deprive City residents of the ability to address <br />issues locally by removing to the state and federal government all customer service issues <br />and transferring local enforcement of franchise issues to the federal bureaucracies and <br />courts; and <br />WHEREAS, HR 5252 and S 2686 would threaten the ability of the City to manage its <br />public rights-of-wayby allowing video service providers with a national license or new <br />cable franchise to appeal the City's regulations to the Federal Communications <br />Commission; and <br />WHEREAS, local cable franchising allows for cities and towns around the country to <br />exercise local authority, decision-making and consumerprotection, to establish and <br />support commercial-free community television, and to receive franchise fees that private <br />companies pay as compensation for their use of local public rights-of-way; and <br />WHEREAS, the City objects to legislation that creates a subsidy to the <br />telecommunicationsindustry at the expense of the City's taxpayers; <br />Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by The City Council of The City of Roseville: <br />That the City is opposed to federal legislation that: <br />l. Pre-empts the local franchisingprocess; <br />2. Limits the City's ability to negotiate local franchises that enable the <br />community to obtain commitments to meet the cable-related needs and <br />interests of the community, <br />3. Voids existing cable franchises; <br />4. Limits or preempts the City's ability to require any entity that is issued a <br />video provider franchise to fully build out a franchise area such that said <br />services are eaually available to all residents in the franchise area; and <br />5. Limits or preempts the ability of the City to manage its public rights-of- <br />way in the best interest of its corporate and individual residents. <br />That the City, for the reasons stated above, urges the Minnesota Congressional <br />Delegation and all other members of Congress to oppose HR 5252 and S 2686 and any <br />other bills promoting national franchising and preferential treatment of providers of cable <br />