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EXHIBIT B <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT AREA <br />A 50.00 foot easement for roadway purposes over, under and across the South 7 acres of the <br />Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 9, Township 29, <br />Range 23, according to the Government Survey thereof, the centerline of said easement being more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Section 9; thence North 00 degrees 24 minutes 45 <br />seconds West, assumed bearing, along the East line of said Section 9, a distance of 656.61 feet, <br />more or less, to its intersection with the South line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter <br />of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 9; thence South 89 degrees 36 minutes 29 seconds West, <br />along said South line to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and 33.00 feet West of the <br />East line of said Section 9; thence North 00 degrees 24 minutes 45 seconds West along said parallel <br />line, a distance of 58.73 feet to the actual point of beginning of the roadway easement to be <br />described; thence North 37 degrees 21 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 215.44 feet; thence <br />along a tangential curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 2�`7.5� feet and a central <br />angle of 19 degrees 37 minutes 25 seconds, a distance of 95.05 feet; thence North 56 degrees 59 <br />minutes 15 seconds West, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 241.'i8 feet; thence North 55 <br />degrees 27 minutes 07 seconds West, a distance of 59.92 feet, more or less, to its intersection with <br />the North line of the South 7 acres of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the <br />Southeast Quarter of Section 9, and there terminating. The sidelines of said roadway easement are <br />prolonged or shortened to terminate on the said North line of the South 7 acres and on said line <br />drawn parallel with and 33.00 feet west of the East line of said Section 9. <br />