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S.F. No. 2750, Sth Engrossment- 84th Legislative Session(2005-2006) Page 11 of 13 <br />13.24 the public hearing must be reviewed and a written response provided to the individual or <br />13.25 organization who initiated the comment. The response and comments may be addressed in <br />13.26 another public hearing by the acquiring authority before approval. <br />13.27 Sec. 18. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 117.52, is amended by adding a subdivision <br />13.28 to read: <br />13.29 Subd. la. Reestablishmentcosts limit. For p�ar�oses of relocation benefits paid by <br />13.30 the acquirina authoritv in accordance with this section, the provisions of Code of Federal <br />13.31 Reaulations. title 49. section 24.304. with respect to reimbursement of reestablishment <br />13.32 expenses for nonresidential moves�le_, except that the acq �� � <br />13.33 reimburse the displaced business for expenses actualiv incurred ua to a maximum of <br />13.34 50 000. <br />14.1 Sec. 19. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 117.52, is amended by adding a subdivision <br />14.2 to read: <br />14.3 Subd. 4. Relocation assistance amount determined& administrative law <br />14.4 judge. Notwithstandina any law or rule to the contrary i. `f a�erson entitled to relocation <br />14.5 assistance under this section does not accept the acquirinq authoritv's offer, the acquirinq <br />14.6 authority must initiate contested case proceedinqs under sections 14.57 to 14.66 for a <br />14.7 determination of the relocation assistance that must be provided bv the acquirinq authoritv. <br />14.8 The_administra�ive law iudge's determination of relocation assistance that the ac__ uirin <br />14.9 authority must provide constit�tes a fina! decision in fihe ease, as providec[ in section 14.�2, <br />14.10 subdivision 4. The acauirinc� authority must �av all costs of the proceedinas. "Costs" is <br />14.11 defined in section 15.471, subdivision 4, and also includes charqes billed bv the Office of <br />14.12 Administrative Hearinqs for the proceedings. <br />14.13 Sec. 20. REVISOR'S INSTRUCTION. <br />14.14 The revisor shall chanqe the phrase "riaht of eminent domain"where found in <br />14.15 Minnesota Statutes and Minnesota Rules to "power of eminent domain." <br />14.16 Sec.21. REPEALER. <br />14.17 Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 117.0�1, is r��cal�f., <br />14.18 Sec. 22. EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />14.19 �a) This act is effective the day fa!lowi�€� final enactment and applies to actions <br />14.20 commenced on or after that date. Section 15 a�plies to the disposition of properiv acquired <br />14.21 � actions commenced on or after that date. <br />14.22 �b) Notwithstandinq para�ph (a), the provisions of this act do not ��;�f�r to actions <br />14.23 commenced on or before E����� 1, 2008. for a�roiect that satisfies one of the following <br />14.24 conditions: <br />14.25 ��� with respect to p�a�e�y identified as intended to be acquired in a tax increment <br />14.26 financin , p1an, as a�proved by the municipality by Febr�ar�r 1, 2006. if the condemning <br />14.27 authoritv has satisfied one or more of the folEowina condition� in connection with fhe tax <br />14.28 incrementfinancinq_ plan: <br />14.29 t� the developerhas acquired ��rop�rtk �y Mav 1, 2006. in reliance on the <br />�cc..• �� �....�, �. .,a,. � a., �• I.�n tro�.� �nn [5G�k��}E ���,� I E r��n'7�ifl�?�'7��'i � �t=nj.�ePC�I�+�-����G'7tiTl ��1 �i��i7l�lil s <br />