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Q City enterprise funds shall have operating cash reserves sufficient to provide for <br />monthly cash flow, and for a reasonable level of equipment and infrastructure <br />replacement. Major reconstruction or system upgrades, may need to be funded from <br />enterprise revenue bonds. Annual utility rate reviews will be made in regard to <br />projected operating expenses and capital improvements. The Council will, on an annual <br />basis, establish rates in accordance to operating cost recovery and the projected capital <br />improvements <br />* Comment * the current reserve level for these funds are at acceptable <br />levels except for the Water Fund. Above-injlation water rate increases <br />will be needed each year for an estimated IO years to bring the Water <br />Fund's financial condition to a level that is similar to all other City <br />operations. The alternative is to transfer monies from other enterprise <br />funds that have stronger-than-neededreserve levels <br />❑ All other operational funds e.g. License Center, Information Technology, etc are <br />expected to operate with positive reserve balances of 10-25% ����5�x. ' of the annual <br />operating budget. ��v�v�������,t� ��� �������E�;�–c��E� <br />. . �t����j���t�. �1�� l�a��n�ea-E�;t�r�--l}e�L��r� r�r �I��-�l,�F r:n,;, <br />�e�+�r��r�. Each operational fund shall be reviewed on an annual basis to assure the <br />fund balance is in line with the fund's objectives <br />C� A one time capital gain on the City's treasury portfolio in 1998 has provided for a <br />Taxpaver Reduction fund which has been dedicated to providing an ongoing tax <br />reduction to Roseville property taxpayers. The intent of this fund is to transfer the <br />annual interest earninas to the General Fund to taartzal�v reduce the necessarv tax Iew. <br />�#� ��,�������,r�--�i;a�ss - �� ts ta redu�.� � �-���j�ii��d r��-���ri�i��--�3� <br />�r������3��1�}+. �f�i����;a���a--���,�qg�fi����kat�r �° � ��T �hi� <br />Fund has been formally cate�orized��� the Council as a permanent fund, whereb.��X <br />the interest proceeds are used each vear for the stated t��mose. The ori�inai vrincival <br />amount remains intact <br />* Comment * the current reserve level for this fund is �1.9 million. While <br />the original intent was to ensure that this fund remain separate from all <br />others, low reserve levels in the City's key operatingfunds – specifically <br />the General Fund, may warrant a transfer of these monies elsewhere. <br />Implementation <br />All fund reserves shall be reviewed each year at the time of the annual budget preparation. <br />Budgets shall be prepared on an "All Resources" basis, so that the City Council and Community <br />can readily discern the eurrent and projected managementof all reserves. <br />—f2 <br />