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� � <br />Memo <br />To: Mayor and City Council <br />Neal Beets, City Manager <br />From: Chris Miller, Finance Director �` <br />Date: July 17,2006 <br />Re: Establishing a 2007 Budget Review Calendar <br />Introduction <br />On July 10, 2006, the City Council received the 2007 City Manager Recommended Budget. In <br />an effort to provide supplemental information as well as a forum for the Council and general <br />public to submit comments and questions, it is suggested that the Council establish a calendar of <br />budget meetings. It is further suggested that the Council segregate these meetings into separate <br />areas of discussion to allow for a manageable and focused dialogue. <br />Absent further Council direction, we propose to have individual Department Heads prepare brief <br />presentations (no more �han 20 minutes), followed by a question and answer period. The <br />presentations will focus on polic. -1� discussions such as; departmental goals and objectives, <br />new opportunities, as well as areas that we feel are of concern. <br />At the conclusion of these budget meetings, the Council will be asked to adopt a preliminary, <br />not-to-exceed budget and tax levy on September 1l, 2006. A Final budget and tax levy will be <br />adopted in late December, following the Truth-in-taxation hearing. The proposed Budget <br />calendar is as follows: <br />2007 Budget Calendar <br />Overview presentation of the City Manager's Recommended Budget ..................... July 17, 2006 <br />Presentation of the Administrative and Finance Budgets .......................................... July 17, 2006 <br />Presentation of the Police and Fire Budgets ......................................................... August 14, 2006 <br />Presentation of the Community Development ��-TRA Budgets .......................... August 21, 2006 <br />Presentation of the Public Works and Parks & Recreation Budgets .................... August 28, 2006 <br />City Council discussion on the Recommended Budget ........................................ August 28, 2006 <br />Adopt the 2007 PreliminaryBudget ............................................................... September � 1, 2006 <br />Truth-in-TaxationHearing . ............................................................................... December 4, 2006 <br />Adopt the 2007 Final Budget ........................................................................... December 18, 2006 <br />^^Note^^ July I7`�', and August 1��' are scheduled Council Study Sessions; the remaining dates are scl�ed�Ied <br />Council Meetings. <br />As noted above, once the preliminary budget and tax levy have been set, the Council can <br />decrease the budget, but ��E���t increase it. The Council is also free to add additional budget <br />meetings in October or November if necessary. <br />