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Mr. Neal Beets <br />July I3, 2006 <br />Pag� 3 <br />D). T�e Council then at a reguiar meeting determines what type of a <br />penalty is to be impased. It is anticipated that the Council wo�Id <br />direct the appropriate staff person ta th�n notify the Licensee of the <br />decision on the penaliy. If the penalty involves suspension or <br />revocation of license, th�n the pravisions oi Code Section 302.15, <br />subp. C come into play. Those provisians deal with the opporiunity <br />far the Licensee to request a hearing before an independent hearing <br />officer as set forth herein. <br />The above is intended as talking points for the Cauncil and staff to determine the <br />methoc� in which liquor code compliance issues should be handled in the future. <br />Very truly yours, <br />Scott T. Anderson <br />STA/cmp <br />cc: Carol Sletner <br />RKM: 93742 <br />