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� ��� `�` ��I�. <br />r� �� � <br />�k � ��� � L�. <br />;�h <br />t�t�� ����.Y <br />The large geese population can create problems along <br />pathways and yards. <br />KEEP GEE S E AWAY <br />Each spring Roseville staff often get calls frozan. <br />residents complaining about geese congregating <br />on the lawn or near the street. W�e are sugges- <br />tions to 1:.�+�� geese away. <br />• Don't feed geese. They congregate wherever <br />food is readily available. <br />• Plant prairie grasses that grows tall. Geese do <br />not like long grass and will move along to <br />shorter lawns. <br />��� � • Visual deterrents such as balloons, streamers. <br />flags and scarecrows can drive away geese. <br />Many garden centers sell "bird scare tape." The <br />shiny silver ribbon catches the sunlight and <br />scares the geese. <br />• Two biodegradable repellents are on the <br />market. "Re�ex" and "Goose Chase" give the <br />grass a bad taste and geese move to another <br />location. Repellents last about two weelcs before <br />it needs to be reapplied and is safe for humans. <br />• Use a dog to keep geese away Dogs can run <br />free on private property. If you don't have a <br />dog, neighbors may wark together with <br />someone's dog to chase the geese. <br />