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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL DISCUSSI4N AND DIRECT�ON <br />Date:11/15/44 <br />Item No. 6. <br />Departtnent Approval: Ciry Manager Approval Agcnda 5ection: <br />DM/DW <br />Ttem Description: Praposed Cily Code Revisio�s regardingTrailers and <br />Recreational Vehicies (PF 3612) <br />1.� Topic Description: <br />Council dascussion and direction is sought Qn the folInwing issues: Trailer reguIations <br />and differences between matorized and non-motorized vehicles. <br />1..� Trailers: The current City Code language, in 5ection 407.03Q, reg�lating the parking <br />and storing of'trailers' on residential properties, refers to State of Min�lesota Trailer <br />Ciassifications that are no longer in use. Because the State has changed t�aese <br />classifcations,the City Code needs to be updated. <br />t ��. Types of Recreatian Vehicles: The City Cade language regulating the parking and <br />s�orzng of 'camp�rs and camper busses' is also out-of-date and should siinilarly be <br />revised to re�ect today's vehicle rypes. These tct7ns are not only out-of=date but also <br />are not all-inclusive. Matorized recreational ve6ic[es and non-motarized <br />recreational vehicles are nat individually or specif caily addressed. Historicalty in <br />Roseville, matorized RV's have been regulated similar to a�tomobiles whereas noil- <br />motorized RV's l�ave been regulated similar to trailers. The results currently are: <br />A. Matorized RVs can be parkedlstored on a hard-surfaced driveway <br />anywhere on a property. <br />B. Nan-motorized RV's must be parked/stored in a side or rear yard, either <br />on a hard-surface or on grass. They are also allowed in a front yard area (such <br />as a driveway} for a maxiir�urr; of three days. <br />a �� This has caused confusion and compla�nts frorn residents. Based on comments we've <br />received, most feel these two vehicle rypes shauid be regulated in the satne manner. <br />�.� Possible Solutions <br />�:1 �'irst, update #he outdated cflde language regarding trailer ciassifications witl�out <br />changing the intent of the original code section (407,03Q). New State of Minnesata <br />Trail�r Weight Classificationsare; <br />a. Perma�ientRegistratian, up to 30Q01bs gvw <br />.b �'7`— G�, 3�i1 �a ��t�11� �°w'' <br />