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City Councii Regular Meeting— 07110106 <br />Draft Minutes - Page 4 <br />maximize park dedication fees, or land in lieu of, from <br />development projects; pursue additional fundraising ideas; <br />develop individual park master plans that would involve <br />the community and residents using those neighborhood <br />parks. <br />Chair Johnson questioned the Council's intent to restore the <br />PIP fund. <br />Councilmember Ihlan spoke in support of doing so, opining <br />that it may take several tax seasons to get the backlog <br />eliminated and would necessitate incremental steps being <br />taken. <br />Councilmember Pust encouraged the Commission to <br />provide the City Council with innovative ideas for funding <br />sources for restoring the budget, recognizing that when <br />overall resources were lowered, choices needed to be made. <br />Councilmember Pust opined her support for restoring the <br />funding as a huge priority but noted that the Parks and <br />Recreation portion of the budget was only part of the <br />picture and again, welcomed comments of the <br />Commissioners and their recommendations for funding <br />sources or reallocations. <br />Chair Johnson noted that there were many challenges; and <br />opined that the Commission was seeking innovative <br />funding opportunities as well. <br />Councilmember Kough noted the � bVAL problems; the <br />need to look at contract maintenance and seek more <br />volunteers; and ways to provide more multi-uses of <br />facilities. <br />Councilmember Maschka summarized recent conversations <br />with Speaker Steve Sviggum and possible ultimate <br />legislative priorities through a referendum to voters for <br />imposing a city-wide sales tax, with the need for a policy <br />that the sales tax would only be used for capital <br />expenditures. Councilmember Maschka addressed the need <br />to maintain current facilities, parks and pathways and to <br />