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3.0 Review of HRA Program Budget, Housing Plan, Accomplishments and Levy Request <br />3.1 Staff has prepared and attached a preliminary budget for the levy fund (723) for <br />pro�raznming in 2007 The information outlines the need for a levy in the amount of <br />$255,750 in 2007 to support existing programs and to provide $100,000 grant to the <br />renovation of Har Mar Apartments at the comer of Hwy 36 and Snelling 2007. <br />.2 Har Mar Apartments — Central Community Housing Trust (CCHT) has purchased the <br />struggling Har Mar Apartments and is in the process of compiling their funding sources <br />for a full renovation and restructuring of the property. The renovation will include a full <br />rehab of the interior and exterior of the buildings and site. In addition, the renovation will <br />include conversion of one bedrooms to two bedrooms to allow for a more marketable and <br />miYed unit complex. HRA attorney with Krass Monroe has done a preliminary analysis <br />of the project and indicates, even with the multitude ofpublic funding sources from the <br />State, Met Council and Ramsey County, that the project has a fmancial gap. CCHT has <br />requested $350,000 in a grant from the HRA to support the renovation and help to fill the <br />project gap. The HRA only bas $250,000 available from restricted (CDBG) funds to <br />apply to the project and is requesting, with Council support, a 2007 levy contribution of <br />$100,000 to make up the additional gap. The HRA is still in the process of reviewing the <br />potential of tax increment financing for the project that could reimburse the up front <br />funding in the future. More detail will be provided to the HRA and Council regarding <br />this analysis and the project in the next several months. The HRA budget and levy <br />request can be reduced prior to December by the City Council if the additional <br />funding is founc� not to be needed and other sources of fundiug can he provided to <br />�11 the gap. <br />3.3 The HRA continues to be very conservative in their evaluation of existing housing <br />programs that are funded with the HRA levy. They believe that the request accurately <br />reflects what is needed to continue the existin� pro�rarns but does not fund additional <br />programs or address larger housing issues. The HRA and City Council should begin to <br />consider longer term fundiug of housing in the community with the HRA levy tool. <br />Based upon State Statute the HRA, with Council support, can levy up to 0.0144% of the <br />total taxable market value of the City. If the HRA and City chose to levy at the maximum <br />allowed by state law, there would be an estimated $560,000 annually available to fully <br />address housing issues. Depending upon the outcomes of the Roseville visioning process, <br />the Council and H� may want to consider addressing the longer term housing <br />conditions through additional levy funding in the future. <br />Attachments: Levy Resolution, 2007 Draft Budget Summary (723) <br />Prepared by: Cathy Bennett (651-'�92-7015) <br />Presentation on HRA Budget & Levy Request - Page 2 of 2 <br />
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