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��f Irkl'�i�i;:ti 38. LIVING WAGE AND f2ESPONS�I3LE PI1F31.,1C SPENDING lZ�GU�.A... �Gl�� 2 c�f5 <br />City contractor means a for-profit entity or a 501(c} entity that has a city contract. <br />City contract is defined as a contract for services with the city valued at one hundred thousand <br />dollars ($100,000.00) or more; or a subcontract valued at one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.�0) <br />or more for providing part or all of the services covered by another entity's contract with the city valued <br />at one hundred thousand dollars (�i100,��[7.00} or more. <br />City business subsidy is defined as a grant, contribution of personal property, real property, the <br />principal amount of a loan at rates below those commercially available to the recipient, any reduction or <br />deferral of any tax or any fee, any guarantee of any payment under any loan, lease, or other obligation, <br />or any preferential use of government facilities given to a business valued at one hundred thousand <br />doilars ($10Q,OOfl.00) or more with the intent or end result of creating or retaining jobs for that <br />business. <br />City business subsidy recipient means a for-profit entity or a 5d1(c} entity that receives a city <br />business subsidy. <br />Job readiness and training services means services whose primary purpose and intent is to <br />help individuals establish a stable work history by addressing the social and economic barriers to <br />employability, including training, apprenticeship, and adequate day care. <br />Multi-use project means a project that includes units of housing and commercially owned or <br />leased units. <br />Responsible labor relations are defined as neutrality on union organizing, providing a complete <br />and accurate list of names and addresses of employees, reasonable access to employees and facilities <br />during non-working periods, voluntary recognition based on a card check demonstrating that a union <br />represents a majority of employees in a bargaining unit, and binding arbitration on the first contract. <br />Sole source means a source of products or services that is the only viable market option for the <br />city. (2005-Or-103, � 1, 11-4-05) <br />38.40. Living wage.(a� Paymentofliving wage andreceipt ofbusiness subsidy. <br />(1) A city contract for services must require city contractors to pay an hourly wage that <br />is at least the living wage for the duration of the contract to employees of the city <br />contractor for hours worked by the employees on the city contract. lf a city contract is <br />subject to wage requirements under a collective bargaining agreement, the city <br />contractor shall pay the wage under the collective bargaining agreement subject to the <br />requirements set forth in subsection (c) below. <br />(2) It is a city goal that one (1) living wage job be created out of every twenty-five <br />thousand dollars ($25,000.00) of city business subsidy. A recipient of a city business <br />subsidy must enter into a city business subsidy agreement with the city that includes a <br />description of the subsidy, goals for the number of jobs created ar�dlor retained, and <br />wage goals for any jobs created andlar retained. In the agreement, the city's department <br />of planning and economic development must negotiate the minimum number of required <br />living wage jobs to be created by the business subsidy recipient. If the number of <br />required jobs is less that the city's goal, the department of planning and economic <br />development must supply written reasons for not meeting the city's goal to the city <br />council. <br />(3) City bond financing is subject to the requirements of this chapter to the extent the <br />intent of the bond financing is to create jobs and the financing results in a net economic <br />benefit to recipient greater than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00). This <br />benefit must exceed that to which the recipient could have obtained in the capital <br />markets. <br />— � <br />� — — �. <br />Frrl1r^��frl-r�rt�+�1•.t��vrti•er�tl�-c�+�� irvr.r]• I <br />
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