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Department Approval: <br />�� � <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />��t�7.�g�r .'� <br />� <br />Item Description: Adopt the 2007 HRA Preliminary Tax Levy <br />Date: 911112006 <br />Item No: <br />Agenda Section: <br />Staff Reports <br />Introduction <br />State Statute requires all municipalities that have levy authority over other goverr�traezztal <br />agencies to adopt a preliminary tax levy for that agency by September 15" for the upcoming <br />fiscal year. The Rosevil�e HRA, while a separate legal entity, does not have direct levy <br />authority. The City Council tnust adopt a levy using its authority along with a designation that <br />the funds go to the HRA. The Final 2007 HRA levy is scheduled to be adopted in December. <br />Once the preliminary levv is adooted it can be lowered, but not increased. <br />At the August 21, 2006 City Council meeting, representatives of the HRA presented their 2007 <br />Budget and Recommended tax levy. The recommended levy amount is $255,750, a r a of <br />$33,145 from the current levy. <br />I-��,�A,. Tax Impact <br />The following table summarizes the estimated tax impact on residential homes, based on the <br />I-��t,A's 2007 proposed tax levy, estimates provided by Itamsey County, and assumin� a 15% <br />increase in �ro�erty valuation. <br />� ] � L�_�iliU <br />� ;� �.� <br />�� <br />��t�,�� <br />3{�C�.�D� <br />* Note: 1';roperiy <br />� Li� � l� <br />----...�—. ] � ] � <br />1 � 1:� <br />17 1� __._�r <br />�L �� <br />� are determined by the Ramsey County Assessar's Office <br />5- <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />��.-�"�� <br />�,� ��� <br />�5.� <br />� ,� � °�° <br />�5.�� °�6 <br />With the proposed HRA tax levy and estimated increases in the City's tax base, an average- <br />valued home of $200,000 would see virtually no change in their local property taxes. The <br />percentage decrease shown in the above table simply reflects a small decrease in total, but due to <br />rounding there is virtually no change in whole dollars. This amount is inde�endent of the impact <br />that results from the City's tax levy. <br />