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REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION <br />DATE: 9111/06 <br />�TEM Nb: �. <br />Department Approval: City Mana�Approval: Agenda Section: <br />JStark ��.�-�+''� <br />Item Description: Consideration of �ptt r the Twin Lakes DevelopmentArea <br />l.� REQUESTED ACTION: <br />l, L Discuss potential options for the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area (Twin Lakes) and <br />provide staff with policy-level guidance in pursuing future outcomes in that area. <br />�.� BACKGROUND: <br />�, l On January 8,2001 the Roseville City Council approved the "Twin Lakes Business Park <br />Master Plan" (the 2001 Master Plan) which contained three maps showing alternative <br />options for redeveloping the area. <br />�,� On January 8,2001, the Roseville City Council also unanimously approved a separate action <br />to for the Twin Lakes area to amend the Comprehensive Plan designation to "BP — Business <br />Park;" a plan designation that would allow for the development at the levels conceptualized <br />in the alternatives contained in the 2001 Master Plan. <br />�, � On June 20,2005 the City of Roseville entered into a Contract for Private Redevelopment <br />(Contract) with Roseville Twin Lakes, LLC (the Developer). The Contract set forth the <br />conditions under which the Developer would privately redevelop Twin Lakes with public <br />assistance. <br />?.� On June 20,2005, the Roseville City Council also approved a separate action to amend one <br />of the alternative maps contained in the 2001 Master Plan to better reflect the development <br />proposal adopted as part of the Contract with the Developer. Formal steps were r���t �aken at <br />that time to amend the Comprehensive Plan to accommodate the changes in the Master Plan. <br />The reason that a formal Comprehensive Plan amendment were not sought appears to be <br />due to the fact that the existing "�P — Business Park" planning designation allows for the <br />uses prescribed in the amendment to the 2001 Master Plan. <br />?.� A legal challenge regarding the 2005 amendment to the 2001 Master Plan was filed by "The <br />Friends of Twin Lakes" in 2004. While the District Court ruled that the City acted <br />appropriately, a subsequentruling from the Minnesota Court of Appeals found that the 2005 <br />amendment of the 2001 Master Plan equated to an attempt to amend the Comprehensive <br />Plan; for which the required super-maj ority vote, of at least four supporting votes, was not <br />achieved. The ruling served to make the 2005 amendment of the 2001 Master Plan <br />"ineffective." While not specifically stated in the decision, it is inferred that the Court of <br />Appeals considers the 2001 Master Plan an amendment to, or augmentation to, the <br />Comprehensive Plan. <br />091106 Twin Lakes Options RGA,doc.doa Page 1 of 4 <br />