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b. Formally amend any past action that may be interpreted as adopting the 2001 Master <br />Plan via reference into the Comprehensive Plan and analyze the potential for the <br />current development proposal to be considered sufficiently consistent with the <br />underlying Comprehensive Plan designation ("BP"). <br />Operate under the Court of Appeals opinion that the 2005 Master Plan is <br />"ineffective," and determine whether the appropriate ComprehensivePlan <br />designation for the area is "BP-Business Parl�," the uses and locations as described in <br />the 2001 Conceptual Master Plan, or some combination thereof. Upon mal{ing such <br />determination, analyze the potential for the current development proposal to be <br />considered sufficiently consistent with the plan designation as determined. <br />d. Garner community, policymaker, and developer consensus toward mal�ing acceptable <br />revisions to the current development proposal and seek a City Council vote adopting <br />this new master plan into the Comprehensive. <br />Take actions which would effectively lead to the termination of the current Contract for <br />Private Redevelopment and either seek new development proposals or let private <br />market concerns dictate the future redevelopment of the Twin Lakes area. <br />2.13 Analysis of Options: Each of the options provided has issues has its own set of economic, <br />political, environmental and legal impacts. City staff and legal counsel hope to engage the <br />City Council on these impacts as part of this discussion. <br />3.0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: <br />3. L Direct staff to further analyze the actions required (if any) to unequivocally designate <br />the Twin Lakes development area as "BP — Business Park" as described in the <br />Comprehensive Plan and react to the current development plan, or any future <br />development plan, on that basis. Further, direct staff to process any pending land-use <br />applications for the Twin Lakes area as is prescribed in City ordinance and to pursue <br />(with further City Council consideration as prescribed) the necessary environmental <br />review associated with processing such applications. <br />i,� Basis for Recommendation: <br />■ Roseville Twin Lal{es, LLC (the Developer) has ownership interests in parcels in the <br />Twin Lakes area. This position affords them the right to seek land use approvals for <br />the site, including, but not limited to, environmental review and rezoning; <br />■ If an application is made for such approvals, the City is legally required to respond to <br />such applications within sixty (60) days of their receipt; <br />■ The City's response to such application will rely, to some degree, upon the <br />underlying ComprehensivePlan designation for the area; <br />■ Based on a review of historical documents. it is the staffs contention that that a <br />091106 Twin Lakes Options RCA.doc.dac Page 3 of 4 <br />