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A��rak s�l: <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />��. �r 1����i�v��: <br />Item Description: Award Bid for Sanitary Sewer Main Lining <br />DATE: 9111106 <br />ITEM NO.: �,� <br />Agenda Section: <br />Consent <br />Background: The majority of the city's sanitary sewer mains were constructed in the late 1950's and <br />early � 960's, utilizing clay tile pipe. Over time the j oint materials have failed allowing root intrusion. <br />The pipe is also susceptible to cracking and construction damage. The 2006 Capital Improvement Plan <br />includes funding for a sanitary sewer main lining program to extend the life of our sanitary sewers by 50 <br />years or more. This technology essentially installs a new resin pipe inside the old clay tile sewer main <br />without digging up city streets, which results in minimal disruption to residents during construction. <br />The liner pipe is inserted into the main through existing manholes and cured in place with a heat process. <br />Any given segment is usually completed in one working day. Service line connections are reopened <br />using a robotic cutter and remote cameras. During the process, existing flows are bypassed using <br />pumps. This technology has been proven over the past 20 years, and costs have become competitive <br />with open cut replacement. We expect that this type of renovation will become an annual project for the <br />foreseeable future as our sewer infrastructure continues to age. This technology also prevents infiltration <br />of groundwater into the system and can be credited toward a required inflowl infiltrationprogram. <br />Staff assembled a specification and advertised for bids for approximately 3600 lineal feet of main lining <br />in areas identified as having root intrusion or infiltrationproblems. Bids were opened on August 31, <br />2006. <br />Policy objectives: It is city policy to keep utility infrastructure in good operating condition, utilizing <br />current construction technologies that keep service disruption during construction to a minimum. Based <br />on past practice, the City Council has awarded contracts to the lowest responsible bidder. In this case <br />the lowest bidder is Veit & Company, Inc., of Rogers, Minnesota. <br />Financial implications: We received four bids for the 2006 Sanitary Sewer Main Lining Project. The <br />low bid submittedby Veit & Company, Inc., $101,204, is within the budgetedamount for this project. <br />This work is funded in the Sanitary Sewer Utility. The following is a listing of the bids received: <br />L�11�17� <br />�-��t � �'��D�EM.�'�.�17+ <br />f ,�m�i[i & 5�rli�� ] rr�_ <br />lns�tu�'arni <br />Visu-Sewer <br />.� �l�l�i� T <br />� I [i I ,'? [i�_�i� <br />� 1 L7�,�5 �C_U[� <br />� �i��.;��,����-- <br />$125,376.25 <br />