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control erosion��+����i��s�, consistent with Chauter 1017: Erosion �nd <br />Sedimentation Control Ordii�ar�ce.+'�° r°'�' ��"�° *°���y�°��' •���'°� ��«L 11CiFi1Sl+� <br />� 1�11111�' �i'I: dll� �4����'1'��.... .... ..a'.... Y`5' i.: . . •. - _ - .- . . ..-. <br />tu7�1 ��rti1 �77=kiti�;��77�r�k �k�+xi�r�,3�;- <br />3. Public and private watercraft, canoe rack storage, access ramps, approach roads, <br />and access-related parking areas may be placed within shore impact zones provided <br />the vegetative screening and erosion control conditions of this subsection are met. <br />For private facilities, the grading and filling provisions of Section 1016.25 of this <br />Chapter shall be met. (Ord. 1156, 12-12-94) <br />1016.24: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS: <br />G. Maintenance and Administration Requirements: Before fmal approval of a planned <br />unit development, adequate provisions shall be developed for preservation and <br />maintenance in perpetuity of open spaces and for the continued existence and <br />functioning of the development. <br />4. Erosion Control and Storm Water Management: Erosion control and starm water <br />management plans shall be developed and the PUD shall be: <br />a. Designed, and the construction managed, to minimize the likelihood of �erir�z�� <br />erosion occurrin� either during or after construction. This shall be accomplished <br />by meeti��� the erosion and sedimentation col�tz-ol requirements as listed in <br />Chat�ter 1017: Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ot� '`' <br />� - _ . . __ , <br />t�1���1�}I Rk�'�}•,�;��`�*fr'����'�'ir��ic4�;;�1�-:. , hP ,7� rkL P i,;�9�Ttti's7��cki�}}Fi+�4r4� }�11;�11 <br />l� �i ����; s�� i7i f}7 i i7� i�� �F'���i� -". , '�u��=t�: and <br />b. Designed and constructed to effectively manage reasonably expected quantities <br />and qualities of storm water runoff. Impervious surface coverage within any lot <br />shall not exceed twenty five percent (25%) of the tier area, except that for <br />commercial P7U�7s thirty five percent (35%) impervious surface coverage may be <br />allowed in the first tier of general development lakes with an approved storm <br />water management plan and consistency with this Chapter. <br />1016.25: GRADING, FILLING AND LAND ALTERATION: <br />B. Applications For Permits, Additional Information: All applications for permits for <br />grading and filling activities or land disturbances within the overlay district resulting <br />in more than ;+���� 1 i�. i if]fi s�uare feet of exposed soil shall be accompanied by <br />plans, specifications, and completion schedules in conformance with- Cl�a�ter 1017: <br />Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance i�� "1+,� n���4�'��,�•ia i=�� izl <br />��11ii-}r{;aa=�'c F� d�ckl Il� �'� H Fh ��F�I �3k'�k� 11��F7ti��1�71:irt� .7kJ I� ii?7� �TCE�4i� �s}�}:;����#f� f <br />���ti�-1°I-E'c� �r4i�,=v�sF�9ti417fiti^l6. <br />C. Building Permits, Special Provisions: All building permits involving any excavation, <br />fill or grading shall contain special provisions that specify; <br />l. That the permittee is responsible for the cleanup and any damages resulting from <br />soil eroded from the building site onto public streets,-a� into the-storm sewer <br />system �r�r,�r onto any adjoining private property as re���ired in Chauter 1017: <br />