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09/07/2006 14:;32 FAX 612 373 0929 CREENE E,SPEIt PLLP �Ih�S{,•�ya�!� <br />Christopher K. Miller, Interim City Mana�er <br />September 7,2006 <br />Page 3 <br />Our experience in advising and representing cities as "responsible governmental units" <br />under ���'A makes us sensitive to t��at statute's bias against prejudging or presuming the <br />outcome of later land-use decisions. Because the purpose of environmental review is to inforrn <br />decisions that will follow it, we would not take the approach of identifying what decision the city <br />wishes to make following the conclusion of environmental review and to then work backward to <br />identify the best path toward that outcome. Rather, our goal would be I•ti assist the city in <br />performing the environmental review and in making appropriate decisions based on the results of <br />that review. <br />l�n some settings. we deliver our advice in a fully public manner. In other settings, <br />however, it is both legal and most appropriate for us to deliver that advice to council members <br />privately. We have not attempted to detemsir�e which setting would be appropriate in this matter. <br />and would of course seek out the input of the council members and the �'is;:'� regular attorney <br />regarding that question. <br />While our role would be to provide advice and opinions that are truly independent, the <br />City ��ntght consider whether it would be in the City's interests for us to invite representatives of <br />developer and the plaintiff to meet with us separately. during the information-gathering stage. <br />Rates and Hours. We substantially discount our regular rates when representing and <br />advisin� public bodies. For clien�s who provide us with a substantial vc�l�ine of work, we <br />sometimes provide i�urther discounts. For this matter we would propose to bill my tii�e at $250 <br />per hour and Ms. VanderWi��'s time at $190 per hour. Those rates are 35 percent and 25 <br />percent, respectively. �c�ow our regular hourly rates for private-sector clients. <br />We expect that atlzers will offer to charge lower rates for this work. However, we would <br />_ anticipate that the experience set forth at the outset of this letter will enable us to cut to the key <br />_ issues most expeditiously, and thereby enable the City to achieve efficiencies that reduce the <br />_ overall cost of our work. <br />_ We would take various steps to avoid re-inventing the wheeL To accomplish this, Ms. <br />_ VanderWiel or I would meet with city staff most familiar with the underlying area and <br />._ applications immediately upon our retention. We would also expect to re��iew the briefs and <br />appendices in the underlying matter, and obtain background infonnation frsm counsel for the <br />City in that matter. <br />It is difficult to predict with eertatnty how many hours will be required to complete these <br />tasks. In particular, we understand that providing the advice is only part of a dialogue with the <br />City, and that depending on the circumstances, that dialogue may need to become extended. <br />Because this work would be performed in the shadow of pending litigation, we als� understand <br />that there is satne chance that the City's response to our advice would becom�. a subject of a new <br />phase of that litigation. where is possible that our involvement may be required (whether as <br />