City of Roseville Erosion Control Specifications mean practices described in, but not limited to,
<br />the following manuals:
<br />• Minnesota Stoi��n��ater Manual
<br />• Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's "Protecting Water Quality in Urban
<br />Areas " handbook
<br />. Ramsey County Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook
<br />Erosion means any process that wears away the surface of the land l�}.�t�� action of water, wind,
<br />ice, or gravity. Erosion can be accelerated by the activities of ma�i ��i�i r�titure.
<br />Erosion and sediment contral plan means a document cont�ia�ir�� t� r�}v�rerne.nts �f �ecti��
<br />1017.04 that, when implemented, will prevent �r min i rr�ix� � fi] � ra Fsi{Fn �� i a���r�•� L t� I� J:u' �1 �7;7�
<br />off-site sediment damages. __.,_, _._..
<br />Erosion and sediment control practice specifictrri���s aii�i �.��s+�r� ��xr�f ti���c�rr„��rr ��r�n�rt����r�r��r�t-�s
<br />mean the management procedures, techniques, �iy� en� l�st}�E� l« �nnirc � I�ci i L �rs��«�n �nrJ
<br />.__.._ _..
<br />sedimentation as officially adopted by the distri�.�.- __.._ __ ���� -
<br />Land disturbance activity means land change greater th,�n ���1�,�)�:14 square feet that may result in
<br />soil erosion from water or wind and the movement of sedim�i.ts i�� or upon waters or lands of
<br />the county, including clearing, grading, excavating, ,t��t�sp���iit� aaJ filling of land. Land
<br />di��rt�csc� a�u��ir�- d�� n�t hjcau t�c t�Jto�iin�- _.. -...
<br />L f ��L��7�1 L��id ���kt�rb�i�ti� ��li}'iki�4 wu�h �w ��7me �dr��n�; and an individual's home
<br />I�d�.�pia�, r����ir�, �nti� nl�iT11C'l�n�� uxir�.
<br />�� ���n�sr�«ti�u, i n 4 i �a11 �R i�}R� �it�L �7�i i n ��n�nc � c� I� el ��iCiC , t�lti �r17�, i7ti _�i:�L ��h�c t4 J� ��.�� �,n
<br />� � i i 1 i t�� 1 i r��:� rx� G�:L� 1': I�.L�E �t7�'7�`+C tiyJTl77ti��7Q��� i� i��'4u'� �� �L�t��y �."�ti.'{.`�k V`'_rIC:T� i1
<br />,n i�imu:n c� i l 0,0�(] s�q���e t�� ot ]a�id di�trarban� can b� �ntitiP�i et{-
<br />�� '1'i� Lr�S�, pl��i�i i7 �, at han��stin� or �grict�ilur+��, h�,rii t,�l i�,r,�l, c�r �il x� i�Uli �r�J � r��p�.
<br />a� fi7��al�ali�xn �f t�n��, sig�, 1���ph�n�: �pd 41c��ri�: �ol�:� �t�d �iF�et ki�Sds ot`posc� nr
<br />�I ��,
<br />� � f �:re,cr��rr�}� ����rl► [t� Far��[ti�[ ] i I�e_ 1 ir:3�i_ �tir ��oocri w' �r3� �m�rg�e���� r�~�Er�_ T ���k���w�r,
<br />i �- [3S� L�itid �i siu �'L�it�� ��li�� iik ti� �71� Ic1 ht�we �4i�lJj f� �L �JTI .lf]f}f� I k'CiL L'Cl}kl l}fY iJ114.I ���] i � r��lYi
<br />ti rrntr�� I ��I �sr� �x�r��i �`i�r the emergency, the land area distu�'bed shall be shaped and
<br />_ �:abilizx�l ir ac��rdt�i� ce with the requirement of the local plan-approving authority or
<br />1F�4 di�trict_wh�n ;��;l;lic;3�l�.
<br />Permittee means a person, state agency, or political subdivision thereof engaged in a land
<br />disturbance activity.
<br />Sediment means solid mineral or organic material that, in suspension, is being transported or has
<br />been moved from its original site by air, water, gravity, or ice, and has been deposited at another
<br />location.
<br />.�
<br />