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EXTRACT OF MTNUTES OF MEETING OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY �F ROSEV�LLE <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of �he City Cauncil of the City of <br />Roseville, Coun�y of Ramsey, Minnesota, was heid an the 25t�' day of September, Z00G, at 6:00 <br />p.m. <br />Tl�e following members were present: <br />a��d t��e fallowing were absent: <br />CounciI Member ii3troduced the following resolution and moved its adaptioi�/dei�ial: <br />�soLUT�oN No. <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE VACATION OF THE SANITARY SEWER <br />EASEMENT ON CERTAIN UNDEVELOPED RESIDENTIAL LQTS (PF37S9) <br />W�-IEREAS, J.W. Nlaar-e, It�e. a��d Keller-Willia���s Realty l�ave requested tl�e vacatio�l of <br />t�ze above-�•eferenced sanitary sewer easeme�t; and <br />WHEREAS, tl�e easement is currently located on the property that is legally described as: <br />LOTS 14 THROUGH 19, BLOCK 4, ROLLING GREEN <br />PIN: 13-29-23-31-0079 and 0080 and <br />PIN: 13�-29�23�32 0002 thraugh OQ�S <br />WHEREAS, the Public Works Depar�ment has determined that the easement �ubject to <br />the request �nay be vacated if the existing sanitary sewer main is appropriately relocated, rebuilf, <br />and protected by a new easer�aezlt; and <br />WHEREAS, the Raseville Plar�ning Commission held a p�blic hea�zng regardi�ag the <br />Sanitary Sewer Easement Vacation requested by the applicants and voted (5-0) to recomrnend <br />approvaI of the vacatio��, basect an the findings of ,section 5 of the Plar�r�ing Coinmission proj ect <br />report dated September C, 200G and the canditions as amended by the Planning Cornmission and <br />written in Sectian 7.2 of the City Council project report dated Septerriber 25, 2006; <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by tk�e Roseville City Cou�cil, to grant the <br />SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT VACATI4N on the above identified properties, based on the <br />findings in Sections 5 and 6 of t�e project report datec� September 25, 2006, and subject to the <br />fnllowing eonditions: <br />1. T�e existing sanitary sewer m�st be relocated and constructed, through a Public <br />Improvement Contract, in compliance with City standards. <br />2. A new sanitary sewer easement rnust be established in compliance with City <br />5tandards. <br />