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EXTRACT OF MINUTES 4F MEETING OF T�IE <br />CITY COUNC�L OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a aregular meeting of the City Council of the City af <br />Roseville, Cou�ty of Ramsey, Minnesota, was held on the 25th day of September, 2006, at G:00 <br />P��- <br />The foIlowing meinbers were present: <br />and tl�e following were absent: <br />Couneil Meinber introduced the foIlowing resolution and moved its adoptian/denial: <br />RESOLUTI�N NO. <br />A RESOLUTION APPRQVING THE VACATT01� OF AN UNDEVELOPED SEGMENT <br />OF THE CHANDLER AVENUE RIGHT-UF-WAY (PF3759} <br />WHEREAS, J.W. Moore, Inc. and I�eller-Wiiliams R�alty have requested the vacation of <br />the above-referenced righi-of-way; and <br />WHEREAS, t11e easement is currently located on property butting the we�tern lat line of <br />the proper�y that is legally described as: <br />LOT 4, BLOCK 4, ROLLING GREEN <br />PIN: 13-29-23-32 0005 <br />WHEREAS, the Public Works Departinent has determined that the right-of-way subject <br />to the request may be vacated withaut campramising t�e heatth, safety, ar general welfare of the <br />citizells of Roseville; and <br />WHEREAS, the Roseville Planning Commission held a public �earing regardiaa� tl�e <br />Rigl�t-Of Way Vacation arequested by the applicants and voted (5-0) to recorrimend appr�val of <br />the vacatioii, based on the findings of Section 5 of the Planning Comrr�ission project report dated <br />Septemher 6, 200b; <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Roseville City Council, ta grant ihe <br />RIGHT-0E-WAY VACATION adjacent to the above ideniified property, based on the findings <br />in Sections 5 ai�d 6 of tl�e project report dated �eptember 2S, 2QQ6. <br />The motion for the denial/adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by <br />Council Member and upon vote being takei� thereon, the following voted in favor: <br />Members ; <br />Anct Members voted against; <br />WHEREUPON said resolution was declared duly denied/passed and adopted. <br />