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Wheelag� Tax <br />Ano�her effort is to amend Nlinnesota Statute 426.05 ta allow aIl Muu�esota cities, noi just those of <br />t�ae first class, �ae au�iarity �o enaci and impose a per-�ehicie tax on all motor vehicles registered in <br />a given ciiy. This is a tax t1�at has l�een recent�y impased by same cauniies in ihe mefiro area. T�e <br />law curren�y allaws a z�aa�irra.urz� 0£$5 annually. There is some discussivn oft�ying to increase �tiat <br />Iirni� ar change the way ii is calculated tv a vehicle valu� basis. This may nat produce as rnuch <br />revenue as the other measures but eo�1d provide added fivadi�g i� ad�rair�istering the fee did nat <br />became cos�ly. <br />T�ese are the suggested legisiaa�iive ac�ions to i�prove local transportation fiuidir�g being dascussecl <br />in �ublic works circles. Raseville cauld use additional rev�nu� strea�ns to �ielp move state �d <br />cot�nty prajects forward and ensure fi�1 �urzding o� aur MSA str��s. I would suggest the �as ia�� <br />increase and authorizing street u�lility legislafaaz� would be af the great�st benefii �o Raseville. <br />Attachment C <br />