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5 Owners runin oalc trees befinreen A ril 15 and Jul 1 rr�ust a I an a ro riate nontoxic tree <br />wour�d sealant to ar�y c€ai areas. <br />1 Location dameter and s ecies of a!I Si nificant Trees on the siie as wefE as Si r�ificant Trees within <br />10 feet of the site ihat wil{ be im acted �#he develo ment. <br />�3} P[ans mus� identifv wMich Significant Trees are; <br />,(A) to be protected, preserved, anei undisturbed; <br />(�31 to be removed or disturbed,_and <br />C nat counted in the caleulation as discussed in Section 19.53 d 1. <br />4 �'lans must iden�i ra osed bisturbance �anes 6 cross-hatcF►in or ra eolored shadin or� th� <br />lar� and musY identi areas of clearin radin trenchin and similar aciivities. <br />5 Plans must idenfi the location of the Critical Rnnt Zone of an 5i nifiear�t Trees io be sa�ed within <br />3� feet af proposed Disturbance Zane. <br />S P[ans must identi the locatifln and ciirnensions of buildin ads consirucfion zones fnr each iot and <br />rp o5ed street la out and radir� cpntours af the site. <br />i Plans must id�;nti the ro osed (ocatinns and details of tree rotection fencin nr oth�r tiree <br />rotection measures to be irtsialled for all 5i nificant Trees to be reserved. <br />$ Si n�#ure ar�d re istratior� n€�mber of the re istered surve or re arin the lan. <br />10 Pfans musi identi th� location af trees ro osed to meet reforestation re uirements. <br />1 ihe !an musf indicaie the location and cali er inehes or hei ht of ali trees to �e lanted. <br />2 No more than one half of the trees to be lanted ma b� from an atte s ecies. <br />3 Trees are encoura ed to be of similar s ecies as found on #he site. <br />4 �Ea rnare thar� fifteen ercer�t of the r� €�ired tree inches ma be of ornamental s ecies. <br />5 The �inimurn laniin size far decidt�ous trees is two and one half cali er inches. <br />6 The minimum lantin size for caniferous trees is six feet in hei ht. <br />7 7rees rnust be lanted a minimum o# fifteen feet a art frprn one another and t'rorn existin trees <br />except where a�pro��d bv Citv Forester. <br />8 "f'r�es tn be lanted musi be from certified nurse stnck as defined and eontrolfec! b Minnesata <br />SiatuEes Sections 18.44 throt� h 18.69 the Plant Pest Aet. <br />Page 10 <br />