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Case # 1 Q�OOB-OG <br />Item 2 <br />GENERAL iNFORMATION <br />Applicant: C'riy o�Blaar�ington <br />Page 2.1 <br />Case 1�OO�B-05 <br />Rec�uest: Amend Ci�y Code to Establish New Plat Findings, Residential Lot Widt� Standards, <br />Building Height Sfiandards and Residen�ial Tree Preservation Standards <br />PROPUSAL <br />Baseci on neigk�borhoad cancerns with several recent infill residential subdivisions, the Ciiy Council <br />directed that new standards be created by the end oi July, 200& tQ address both the cvmpatibility of <br />infill residentiai lots and ho�es with the surrounding neighborhaod and tree preser�ation. The <br />planning consulting firm o�' Hoisin�on Kaegler Group (HKGi) was reiained to prepare the s�andards. <br />HKGi prepared a questionnaire on these issues for tt�e Planning Commission and City Councii and <br />further discussed potential standards a� the April City Council Study Me�ting. Based upon input <br />reeeived, the proposed ordinanee facuses on four areas: <br />1. New, more objective findings �'or plats; <br />2. New hcight limits for single �'amily and twn-family hom�s; <br />3. New residential lot width requirements; and <br />4. Tree preserva�io� standards. <br />ANALYS�S <br />A report irom the project cansultant (HKGi} discussing the prnposed ardina�ace is attaehed. <br />IMPACTS <br />Plat Findings <br />The proposed �nd'angs are rriore objec�ive and more measurable than the exist�ng �ndings. The Ci�y <br />Council expressed caneerns that the existing findings are too npen-endecl and not tied ta standards. <br />Heigl�t Limi�s <br />As a way c�ftesting the proposed sta�dards, sta�'�analyzed the 20 rr�os� recent single-family honnes t�at <br />have recai�wed building permits in Blnnrnington {see attached spreadshee� and photos/elevatioza <br />drawings). O�'those 20 ho�nes, three did nat coz�ply with the overall proposed height lirnit (measured <br />to peak nf roof rather than ceiling heigh�). Pho�ns/e�evatians o�'tk�ese three homes are attached. <br />Homes mnst likely not to cornply are those that have tr�vo staries, plus a walkout base�ent, plus a st�ep <br />roofpitch. The rnost li�Cely way ofmodiiying a propased house tn comply will be �o redesign the roof <br />tQ effectiveiy reduce ik�e averall pitch. <br />Of t�e 2Q most recent �omes, fve did not cotnply with the pcoposed heigh� limits within 20 feet of the <br />side lot line. Harnes most iikely not to camply are those thai have two storie�, pl�as a walkout <br />basemen�, plus a gab�e style roof tha� is "exposed" td �he side. The rnost likel� ways of modifying a <br />Report ta the Pfannin� Cammission June 22, 2006 <br />Ptanning and Econo�nic Develop�nent pivision <br />