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Case # 10000B-06 <br />Disadvantages include: <br />Page 2.3 <br />• The require�ents will add cast and com�lexity to the deveIoprnent process. While new piats <br />are already required to inelude tree surveys, under the proposed standards, cievelopers woulc� <br />also need to prepare tree preservation plans for most p�ats (perhaps 90°/a) and refores�ation <br />plans for sorne plats (perhaps 25°/a). De�velapers will need to k�ire professiar�als to prepare these <br />plans. The required inspectinns r�i�l add develapznent costs. �f reforestation is rsquired <br />{perha�s 25% of plats), there will be casts For trees, �oar bonding and fnr additional inspections. <br />Added developrrient costs will likely be passed on to home buyers. <br />• The require:men�ts will add sta�f review, inspection and bond management time. Many of the <br />forestry reia�ed duties are assigned to State certified arborisis under tha direciion of the Park <br />Mai►�tenance Manager/Forester. Based on an anaiysis nf the Iilcely additianal st�ff review and <br />inspeetion time across the organization anci based on cnnversatians with nther cities that have <br />similar ordinances, the likely staff impacts on a yearly basis are beiween 10% and 20% o£ a�'�11 <br />tirne equivalent empIoyee (FTE). The irripacts would be spread over multiple Di�isinns, but <br />wiIt impact Park Maintenance staff the mast. T�e tir�e sper�t an im�plemen�ing the tree <br />preser�ation standards wiil n�ed to come from nther current duties, such as �pkeep of parks and <br />nther City maintained property. <br />RECOMMENllATIUN <br />In Case #10QO�B-fl&, staif recommends appro�al of an orciinance to establish ttew plat �ndings, <br />resideniial Iot widtk� standards, building heigh� standar�s and residentia! tree preservation standards but <br />at fl�e same �ime recammends that the ac�vantages and disadvantages of the propnsed standards be <br />weighed against one another. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />+ Staf� report — from HKGi <br />• Propased �rdinance <br />• Analysis of irnpacts <br />o I-�eight l�tnits <br />■ Tabie <br />■ P�otos <br />o �,ot width standards <br />■ Table <br />■ Maps <br />F':1PianninglriClReportslRcport5 20061100DOB-€36 <br />Report to th� T'lanning Cnmmission July 13, 20Q6 <br />Division af City Planning <br />