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City Council Study Session —1 i/20/06 <br />�RA�""I" Minutes - Page 11 <br />Recess Recess <br />Mayor Klausing recessed the meeting at approximately 8:33 p.m. <br />and reconvened at 8:44 p.m. <br />6. Receive a Request from Central Park Foundation for <br />Improvements to the Muriel Sahlin Arboretum <br />Monte Johnson, President of the Roseville Central Park <br />Foundation, provided a concept proposal for a development <br />project at the Muriel Sahlin Arboretum providing for a multi- <br />purpose and restroom facility, and oriental themed garden; and <br />exploration of potential funding sources without using Park <br />Improvement Fund (PIP) dollars, also addressing a plan to <br />commit for maintenance services and resources. Mr. Johnson <br />advised that the Foundation had $200,000 available in funding <br />toward the project. <br />A Bench Handout, consisting of a resolution of support dated <br />June 20, 2006 from the Roseville Parks & Recreation <br />Commission, was provided. <br />Discussion included fund sources; existing park budget; use of <br />the $200,000 for other park needs, rather than for this project; <br />lack of support for dipping into reserves at this time; broader <br />parks system needs and the Foundation's fiduciary <br />responsibilities to promote Central Park; community support of <br />and identification with Central Park and quality of life issues; <br />building and surrounding afea amenities; and potential revenue <br />generating sources from the improvement to help defray <br />maintenance costs. <br />Staff was directed to include discussion of this proposal during <br />Truth in Taxation hearings and the final budget setting meetings <br />in December. <br />5. Receive a Draft of the Twin Lakes Alternative Urban Area- <br />wide Review (AUAR) <br />Community Development Director John Stark introduced Jamie <br />Radel of the Community Development staff who assisted in <br />providing various Bench Handouts and informational items to <br />the City Council and audience members. <br />CPF <br />Improvements <br />Muriel Sahlin <br />Arboretum <br />Receive Draft <br />Twin Lakes AUAR <br />