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But now we have another problem: Our Council appears to be incapable <br />of acting for the good of the community. Twin Lakes has become Roseville's <br />Iraq War, with warring groups of citizens, and a Chamber of Commerce and <br />unkown persons with deep pockets putting out mass mailings, phone banks, and <br />otherwise unfairly influencing our election processes. <br />The only way out of this Roseville "Iraq" is for the Council to exert some <br />leadership, and on the promise of no lawsuits, set up off the record meetings with <br />the developers, whoever will come, and the present land owners, who now are the <br />owners of vacant, non productive land, and hammer out a new dream that will be <br />acceptable to all, including the neighbors. If you want it to succeed, keep your <br />lawyers and staff out of it until a deal is struck. <br />Mr. Maschka, you led us into this great plan, now show some leadership <br />and lead us out. Mi. Klausing, here's your chance to show you deserve to be in <br />the leadership position you were just elected to, and that you're not just another <br />caretaker. Ms. Pust, you have a reputation for making things happen. Make <br />something happen here. Ms. Ihlan and Mr. Kough, you've demonstrated your <br />willingness to represent the neighbors, now show us you're willing to work <br />together with your elected council to get a new master plan in the works. <br />Can our Roseville Council rise to the occasion? Perform a miracle? Or <br />must the community wait for new leadership? Nothing less than a new dreanl—a <br />new master plan-- will get the j ob done. Wouldn't that be better than the chaos <br />we now have? <br />� � � <br />