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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
8/27/2009 3:17:25 PM
Creation date
8/27/2009 3:17:23 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 17, 2009 <br />Page 15 <br />Councilmembers, individually and corporately, repeatedly encouraged staff to <br />provide them with the list of 200 programs for their individual ranking and con- <br />sideration. <br />Discussion included ranking and re-ranking among and across departments for <br />programs and services; staff's development of an acceptable and user-friendly <br />format, including staffing, supplies, materials, professional services, and what it <br />costs to provide the service and/or program; funding levels for programs and ser- <br />vices versus their actual elimination; recognition that 87% of the City's cost is <br />personnel related; outsourcing costs versus in-house staffing; addressing the ever- <br />changing service levels and equating their cost and staffing; and levels of expecta- <br />tions based on costs and benefits. <br />Further discussion included challenges in funding the total programs, while not <br />reducing programs and or services. based on philosophical issues, whether they <br />were fully funded or not (i.e., park and recreation programming); philosophical <br />and wellness community versus cost considerations; recognizing that the City is <br />not in the business of making money, but of providing services, and that the <br />analysis needed to be across the board, and not limited to specific departments, <br />but balancing the overall community benefits with competing interests. <br />Additional discussion included realties of this process with that previously used in <br />the budget process; level of detail that will be available for Councilmembers from <br />the consultant and staff; preparation of individual Councilmembers for difficult <br />and challenging discussions and decision-making throughout this process; and <br />recognizing that this was the first year in the BFO process, and may need to serve <br />as a leaning process, with not all information readily available, or fully analyzed <br />to-date; and noting what can and cannot be accomplished in that first year. <br />Councilmembers noted the need for the analysis to include the cost for the pro- <br />gram/service; the wage/labor component to that calculation based on full-time <br />equivalencies (FTE's) rather than specific numbers of employees; how current <br />staffing is impacted and where adjustments are indicated, as recommended by the <br />City's management team. <br />Councilmembers further noted the need to recognize that this year's process <br />would be a combination of past budget processes and the BFO process, and <br />needed to be considered in the decision-making process for general functions of <br />the City, within and among programs and services, as previously indicated. <br />City Manager Malinen noted that the BFO process would be challenging to staff <br />and the City Council, but in the end, opined that it would be the right thing to do <br />for the long-term health of the organization, further opining that the City could <br />not continue to function as it was currently. <br />
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