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City Council Meeting Packets
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9/14/2009 9:59:09 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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��� � <br />Excerpt from Public Works and Transportation Commission minutes of Thursday, <br />December 16,2004 <br />"6. Transit Shelter Program Recommendation (Continued) <br />Schwartz spoke on this topic, which was continued from last month. The City has <br />received a revised proposal from Transtop, which revises the fees and their <br />commitment to trash removal. A letter from Outdoor Promotions was also <br />included in the packet. Member Wilke asked for comments from the two <br />compames. <br />Gary Young with Outdoor Promotions emphasized again their desire to move into <br />Roseville and other Twin Cities communities. He explained the differences as he <br />saw them between his company and Transtop. He talked about co-existing with <br />Transtop and said that his company is in that situation in other metropolitan areas, <br />and they would be willing to co-exist in Rosevillewith Transtop. <br />Connie Barry from Transtop spoke on the question of her company being sold. <br />She said they were approached several years ago about selling, but it didn't <br />happen. The company has not been actively searching for a buyer. She explained <br />why Transtop would be a better choice for Roseville. She doesn't like the idea of <br />co-existingbecause of the limited amount of potential shelter sites in the city. <br />Member Rossini asked if Transtop has any shelters currently set up with trash <br />receptacles. Ms. Barry said they do not. <br />Member Marasteanu asked how this process started and why Transtop was not <br />involved from the beginning. Schwartz said that it was because Outdoor <br />Promotions approached Roseville and then went through the history of the <br />discussions with Outdoor Promotions. <br />Member Rossini thought it would be better to go with only one shelter company <br />in Roseville. <br />Member Willenbring thought both proposals were about the same. <br />Schwartz said both companies seem to be reputable and have a good performance <br />record in the cities they wark in. <br />Member Willenbring said he would go for co-existenceif the pie was bigger. <br />Member Rossini asked if having competition would upgrade the type of <br />advertising to be sold. Connie Barry said that they sell about 50% of their <br />advertising to national companies, whereas Outdoor Promotions had said they <br />were going after local advertisers. She said co-existencewouldn't help in selling <br />advertising because you sell the market not just a street comer. <br />
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