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2 <br />� the animal owner mav be rec�uired to com�lete <br />animal obedience classes. <br />4 (b� the animal mav be rec�uired, at all times out,s�de an <br />5 enclosure. to be restrained b� a chain or leash not <br />6 to exceed six (6) feet and under the control of an <br />7 individua118 vears of a�e or older. <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 <br />�cl the animal owner mav be required to provide proof <br />of current vaccinations. <br />D. !��•���•�•���� �- l'••-= � -_ _ -_ _ _��_. Regulation of Dangerous Animals. <br />14 (1} An owner of a dan�erous � animal shall keep the � <br />15 animal, while on the owner's property, in a proper enclosure. <br />16 If the dan�eraus animal is a dog. and the dog is outside the <br />17 proper enclosure, the dog inust be inuzzled and restrained bv <br />18 a substantial chain or leash, which mav not exceed six (6) <br />19 feet in len�th. The chain or leash must be under the <br />20 control of an individual 18 years of a�e or older. <br />21 <br />22 (2} An owner of a dangerous � animal must renew the <br />23 re�istration of the � animal annually until � it is <br />24 deceased. Renewal of re�istration niust include proof of <br />25 up-to-date rabies vaccinations. '_'''`��� �`���• �� ��.}���+� <br />26 - . , ' . x�#� �ra��a�-d� <br />27 <br />28 <br />��v_:..�.:_,f�:.,� �.,_.� <br />29 (3} An owner of a dan�erous � animal inust notify the ��F <br />30 �+e�#f��� u�°��^��� City in writin� of the �e������#��� <br />31 animal's death or � transfer outside <br />32 the Citv within 30 davs of death or transfer. and inust� <br />33 . execute an <br />34 affidavit t��i�l�-�r.+[4 .i �� i�.t_ .L� a �. z .�... _ ,.a...�..�.. ,. ay a 1... <br />35 .., <br />3 6 � 7 !#3F#iiFf�E}t�#L�I � 4� !TR . . _ C _ . <br />37 ��; of death or transfer as �rescribed b� the <br />3 8 �'ii�'. <br />39 <br />REGULAR FONT = Where State Statute and City Ordinance are worded the �a❑t�. <br />BOLD TEXT — What City Ordinance adds to the State Statute <br />',�4:4�1�;���1�[4}��N = What State Statute reads and the City Ordinance does not <br />