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ATTACHMENT 1 <br />Council Charter Information for Establishinp Oval Task Force <br />Possible Approaches For Creating A Task Force To Study The <br />John Rose Minnesota Oval To Address Short And Long Term <br />Funding Opportunities And Short And Long Term Operating <br />Challenges <br />January 24,2005 Council Work Session <br />1. Identify Task Force Composition — Delegate role to the Parks and <br />Recreation Commission with Commission Chair as chair of Task Force. <br />a. Task Force Makeup —Option #�1, Smaller Group: Aqprox. 15 <br />members <br />r Staff— Lonnie Brokke; Kevin Elm. Jill Anfang, Chris Miller <br />�. One from Speedskatir�g <br />3. �n� from Hockey <br />4. One-from Bandy <br />5. Two Parks and Recreation Commissioners <br />� Three members at-large selected by Chair <br />7 One Roseville Visitors Association <br />$. I nvite State and County representatives as needed <br />b. Task Force Makeup — Option #2, Laraer Grouo: Apqrox. 21 <br />members <br />1. Staff— Lonnie Brokke, Kevin Elm, Jill Anfang, Chris Miller <br />2. Two from Speedskating <br />3. Two from Hockey <br />4. Two from Bandy <br />5. Two Parks and Recreation Commissioners <br />6. Five members at-large selected by Chair <br />7. One Roseville Visitors Association <br />8. Roseville School District Representative <br />9. State Representation <br />10. County Representation <br />c. Task Force Makeup - Option #3, Have the P&R Commission Be the <br />Task Force: 9�- 4 staff + user qrouq representatives + at-larqe <br />members per Options #a or #b. Ap�rnx. 21 to 27 members <br />*Delegate to Parks & Recreation Commission — <br />. Conduct OVAL task force meeting from 6-8 pm 8-9 <br />p.m. would be on other items. <br />. All commission members are part of the task force, <br />add usage and at large members to mix from 6-8 pm. <br />or as needed. Meetings are once or twice per month. <br />ATTACHMENT 1 1 <br />City Council Charter Informatior� for Establishing Oval Task Force <br />