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ATTACHMENT IO <br />Oval OQerational Efficiencies — from Staff <br />O VAL OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCIES <br />Since we are dealing with such a unique venue, the operation of the OVAL has been <br />continuously adjusted by trial and error. The OVAL stiaffhas always monitored the utility usage <br />and managed them to the best of their knowledge. After last season, we have a few more ideas <br />that could potentially reduce utilities 5% to 10 %($3500 -$7000). <br />• Paint the Ice Surface: The OVAL ice surface has never been painted because the size of <br />the surface is so large. Last year, a portion of the surface was painted to help survive the <br />heat gain from the sun. That portion of ice was the last to melt as the warm weather <br />ended the season. Indoor arenas have painted their ice white for many years to help <br />reduce the heat load generated by the overhead lighting. The question would be: Will the <br />savings be significant enough to justify spending $3000 to paint the ice? <br />Adjust the amount of run time during rain or snow: Currently, the compressors are <br />running just enough to try and maintain a quality sheet of ice as soon as the rain or snow <br />stops. We will try to adjust the temperature to minimize compressor run time during <br />these situations. A minimal amount of run time is necessary to protect the markings and <br />quality of the ice sheet. <br />Install infrared temperature sensors: Infrared temperature sensors will allow us more <br />instant control of our refrigeration system. Currently, the system has devices that control <br />compressor operation based on the brine return temperature only. Since the brine is <br />enclosed in plastic tubing, buried in concrete under two inches of ice, our system does not <br />react quickly to the changes that take place in the environment (i.e. sun, rain, air <br />temperature change, etc.) <br />• Adjust the amount of run time during warm weather: Depending on the activities <br />scheduled for the OVAL, we will reduce the compressor run time to be used more <br />efficiently when the sun goes down andlar temperature drops. <br />� Minimize the number of brine pumps operating during cold weather: We typically <br />operate two or three brine pumps. As it grows colder, the refrigeration need diminishes as <br />does the requirement to circulate large volumes of brine. We will be able to cut back to <br />one brine pump more often to reduce electrical usage. <br />Roseville Glows Program: A regional benefit, approximately $4,000 of energy costs are <br />charged to the OVAL electrical meters. <br />• Conduct Energy Audits Periodically: It has been the practice of the City to conduct <br />periodic energy audits on facilities. Our plan would be to do this annually at a minimum <br />and preferably twice per year. <br />ATTACHMENT 10 <br />Oval Onerational Efficiencies — from Staff <br />