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ATTACHMENT 15 <br />Task Force Meetin� Minutes <br />April 14,2005: Skating Center Task Force — meeting #4 <br />Jill Antang excused, all other task force members present, guests: John Goedeke and Pat <br />Johnson-Nygaard <br />Brad and Lonnie opened the meeting by pointing out the presence of the Hobey Baker <br />Trophy honoring the year's best college hockey player awarded to Marty Sertich, <br />Roseville native, former Roseville high school hockey player, Mr. Hockey in Minnesota <br />2001, now a junior at Colorado College. The Sertich family is allowing the trophy to be <br />displayed at the Roseville Skating Center until the awards banquet in Minneapolis on <br />May 19 —Congratulations to Marty! <br />Brad noted that last meeting's summary stated that the arena chiller would be replaced in <br />2006, actually the arena floor is scheduled for replacement in 2006, not the chiller. <br />Lonnie presented an update from the engineering task force. Stephens Engineering is <br />finishing up the task of analysis and evaluation of options for repair. The technical task <br />force will be meeting in the next few days to discuss Stephens' findings and hopefully be <br />ready to report to the City Council at the April ����� meeting. Lonnie passed out a <br />potential timeline for repair depending on what is decided by the technical task force and <br />City Council. Lonnie also reported that they have applied to �cel Energy for rebates on <br />the engineering study but have not yet heard how much of a rebate we will receive. <br />We received updates on the e-mails received via the mail box set up by Parks and Rec. <br />All task force members are now receiving copies of these e-mails and they are being kept <br />in a binder at Park and Rec. offices. The online petition is still receiving signatures. It <br />was also noted that the next 2 City Council meetings would be "town hall" forums and it <br />is expected that residents will express both positive and negative opinions about the Oval. <br />Next, former City Council members John Goedeke and Pat Johnson-Nygaard gave us the <br />historical perspective of the construction of the OVAL. Mr. Goedeke reported that a task <br />force was formed in 1983 to examine the feasibility of building a speedskating oval in <br />Minnesota. This task force was forined at the request of then Governor Rudy Perpich <br />who had a vision of providing training facilities for every Olympic sport in the state of <br />Minnesota. Mr. Goedeke chaired the committee to place the speedskating oval in <br />Roseville. Other cities, most notably Burnsville, Blaine and Edina, were also competing <br />to win the ovaL The cities presented their cases before Ramsey county officials, Met <br />Council members and finally the state legislature. Roseville won the opportunity to build <br />the ovaL The state was to pay for the construction of the facility and Roseville would pay <br />for the operation. Roseville had chosen the Kent St. site for construction of the oval, this <br />was a more frugal design than the other cities had offered. The actual construction of the <br />oval had to wait for 2 legislative bonding sessions before finally getting bonding <br />approval. First the legislature approved developing the ski jump site at Biwabik, next <br />the national skating center in St. Cloud, and finally 6 years later bonding for the John <br />Rose Minnesota Oval was approved. While waiting for approval to build locations other <br />ATTACHMENT 15 <br />Task Force Meeting Minutes <br />