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REQUE5T FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />DATE: 07/11/05 <br />ITEM NO: 3 . e <br />Department Approval: Manager Approved: Agenda Section: <br />DPW/TP �� ,,��,,� � ��,� Consent <br />� � <br />Item Description: Request for approval of Corrective Subdivision (Lot line Correction) for <br />United Properties — Applewood Townhomes (FF365�) <br />1.0 BACKGROUND: <br />1.1 LTnited Properiies seeks CounciI appraval of a one foot correction on the location of a common <br />property line between two town home lots (]nts 9 and 10) within Applewood Pointe of Arona <br />Third Addition. Lot 9 should have beez� 24 feet in width, not 2S feet as shawn on the plat. No new <br />..—__.__.__....�._ ....... , __� z._.. _...� __—�_ _..___--__�_ <br />lots ar structures wi11 be creaied and na variances are needed. <br />1,2 The City Code Section 1 T04.04D allows far property owner to correct mistakes in lot line location <br />and dimensions as seen below: <br />Corrections: When a survey or descr°iption of a parcel or lot has been found to be inadequate to <br />describe the actual boundaries, capproval af a corrective subdivisian �nay he requested. This ty�ae <br />of subdivisiolz creates no new lots or streets. 7he proposed corrective subdivision, in sketch plaiz <br />for�n, along with a Ietter signed by all affected owners agreei�ag ta the new su6c�ivisian, sTiall be <br />sub�nitted to the City Council for approval. No hearing or Planning Cammission r°eview is <br />necessary unless the proposal is referred tv the Comrnission Iry the Corrcmunity Developmelat <br />Director for ciarificalian. The proposed parcels shall rcot cause any portion of the existing lots, <br />parcels, or existing buildings to be tn violation of this regulation or the zoning corle. ,4 certificate <br />nf survey illustrating the carrected baundaries shall be requirecl on alI parcels. Withir� thif�ty (30) <br />days after approval by the City Cauncil, the ap�licant shall supply the final survey to the <br />Camnxunity Development Director an�l Ciry Manager for review and approval. After completivn <br />of the �°evietiv and approval by the Cornmunity Develop►nent Director and City Manager, the <br />survey shall be recorded by the applicant with the Ranisey County Recorder wathin sixty (60} <br />days. Failure ta record the subdivi.sion within sixty (60) days shall nullify the appraval of the <br />subdivision. <br />1.3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: <br />The prnpasal meets the criteria for a corrective subdivisinn and therefare the Community <br />Development Staff recommends approval. <br />2.0 SUGGESTED COUNCIL ACTIONS: <br />By motion, approve the United �roperties request to realigra the cnr�mon lot lirae between lots 9 <br />and 10 of Applewood Pointe of Arona Third Addition as illustraied on the survey dated June 16, <br />2005. The deveioper shall reeord the corrected description and survey with the Rarnsey County <br />Recorder within 60 days. <br />Attachtnent: Survey 6/16/05 <br />Reporf Prepared by: Dennis Welsch, Comm�nity Devetopment Director (651-792-7071) <br />PF3b54_United Properties{Applewoad Phase3)1RCA-PP3654 -[lnited Properties(fl71 l05).doc <br />