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City of Roseville — i3e1�1aeTt Lake �Sltoreline Restar�atio�r 2003 1LfaV DNR S1�oreli�7e Nal�itcxl (�raral,�ppl�cralior� <br />resaurce in t11e coir�n�i�nity. As well, the lake is ut�lized by tE�e MN DNR as a kids �sl�ing site, <br />where catchable-sized fisl� a�-e stocked for tl�e ei�joy►�ler�t of kids. <br />B. Kmown invasive or exotic aqutatic species present <br />Mi�ior aina�laat of reed cana�•y grass PhaTcrris ar°unc�znacea at �lantis�g site. Senneti .�,ake is <br />1cElowi� to F�ave Curly[eaf pondweed Pate�r�ageton cl^rspus, althoug��► tl�is proble�� species is not <br />kr�own to be �resei�t at the resto�-atio» sile. <br />G Existing Management Plans fr�r waterbody and/or related funding <br />In 2001, a Nalural Resource Mas�agement Pla�a was c�-eated foi° Centrai Parlc. It i��cluded a Lake <br />Inventory & Wate�-shed Assess�ne��t for 13e�u3ett Lalce, as well as ii��entories of lr�land and <br />weti[a�ad a�atl�ral areas withi�l the par[c. The plan pro�ided priorita�ed �lat��ral reso�arce <br />n�anageijlent recon�inendatioi�s aa�d estin�ated costs for recoaa��nended activities for lalce <br />�l�anagei3�ent. � <br />D. PubEic Outreaeh/Education <br />The Ciiy af .RosevilIe Parks & Recreation staff I�as a good reco�•d of Icecpi»� tE�e public 'snformed <br />of a�1d involved i�l natura{ resn€�rce a�lanagement i�� city parlcs. Ciry staff will worfc to �iotify a.rea <br />reside�zts of plamaed activities. City staff will create an a��ticic for tl�e city ��ewsletter a��d the <br />local news��apez- (Rnser�il�e Wrap) as well as en�aging vol�niteers fro�l� tlze �eneral public a�ld tlzc <br />Rosevil[e Nat�ra] Resoi�rces Co�n��littee, which is composed o� interested citize�� voluntcers. <br />Xa�te�-pre�ive signs fo�• shoreli��e hal�itat exist i�� two othe�• locatio�ls at Bennett Lalce <br />E, Project Timeline <br />Date Activit <br />Sp��i��g 2005 Finalize project desiga�, plani lists, and other pcoject co�npo►Ze►�ts witl� <br />DNR <br />Spriixg 2Q05 Be�in site ��-epa�-ation, i�lcluding treatEl�e��t of exisfing vegetation ii� <br />upla��d areas <br />Late sp��i��g Stabilize nortl� sl�ore liE�e, }�latat seed and plugs, maiiltai�l ��lantings thi�ough <br />Sum3i�er 2p05 tE�e �ise of taols suclrt as bar�°ic��s, weeding, mowEn�, r�ate��ing and/or o�- <br />spot he�-bicide a�plication. <br />Fall 2005 Conti��ued init�al �r�aintenai�ce o# �l��tings {weeding, wat�ring) <br />III. Pro j ect Partner�: <br />Voluntee�- assistance will 6e provided by members of the Rose�ille Natural Resources <br />Com��ittee (RNRC). 3eff E�e►�son, ParEc I'roject C�orctil�ator for ti�e City of R.oseville is the <br />pri�lla�y contact for tl�e RNRC. The City of Roseville i��tends to utilize wetlaa�d scient�sts and <br />ecologists froY�1 Bonesteoo & Assaciates to assist witll desigE� and insialIaiioi� af plant materials. <br />Paul Bc�ekensfedt wi[1 be YExe pri�nary contact at Bonest�-oo & Associates (information is provided <br />below)- <br />