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L�ndow��er: <br />(Naane, adciress, telcplioi�e <br />auc� en�ait} <br />Exibit C: Sl�oreline Habitat La�idowner Agreeeneut <br />The Ci of Roseville <br />2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Raseville, MN 55113 <br />Praject Je�'f �,vensan <br />Coaperator: Park Project Coordinator <br />❑ame, address, telepl�one 2560 Civ1c Cenier D�ive <br />and e���ail) Raseville, MN 55113 <br />651-792-7107 <br />Location (Cau�aty): Aams� <br />This agreement dated . 2005 betwee�i fhe Miiinesota Department oFNatural Resources {DNR), Division of <br />Fasheries and tt;e Citv Roseville (Landowner) is entered into i�i arder to establish native vegetation along sl�orelines for <br />tI�e purposes of creati��g a buffer zone and ii�pravi�ag fish aiid wildlife habitaf. Tl��ougl� this Agree�uent, �,andowner will <br />permit the DNI2 and tE�e Pz-oject Cooperator to ui�derYake certain shorelane habitat restoration activities. <br />This Agreement covers lailds ia� T29 N, R23 W, S. 11 adjacent and witl�in tl�e following wa#ercourse Bennett Lake <br />�DOW 62-0048 �, as specified in the project proposal. Tl�e term of this Agree�ez�t shall be te31(10) years, froin JLily 1• <br />2004 to July I, 20I4. <br />T13e Landowner is responsible for �naintaining the project for a period often {10) years to ensure thai the co�iservatio�i <br />o�jecEive of tflis practice is �net. Minimuin �naintenai�ce ia�cludes watcring wl�en needed during tlie first year ar two and <br />reinoving invasive and exotic speeies that encroach on the praject. <br />The La�ldowner agrecs to the ternls af insEallatian, znainteilance and rnonitoring outlined in the appro�cd project <br />proposal. <br />Tl�e Landowner agrees to allow tiie DNR (and the Project Cooperator) access to t��e project area for construction, <br />maintenance, evaluatian and proniotion of the project. Tl�e Landowaaer agrees to make tl�e site available as a <br />de�nansta•ation site to thc ge;ieral public. <br />"I'he Landowner nr the Project Cooperator sl�ali secure all iiecessary perrnits for the project. <br />'I'lze Landowner wiil forego tlie use of fertilizer in tf�e b�iffer zone created by the project, <br />Thc �andowner will forego the chemica� control of aquatic plaz�ts except for the purposes oi controlling a�gae (whic�l siill <br />requires a permit froin tlie DNR=s Division ofFisheries). <br />"�'he DNR assumes na liabiliiy for injury or da�nage, ot�ier than that caused by if-s own neglige�ice, iza the project area. <br />�'he DNR assmnes no jurisdiction over tl�e project area for purposes of controlling trespass, noxipus weeds, granting <br />rights-of way, or oiher iiicidcnts af ownership. <br />This Agreenxent wi11 be canceled upon transfer of the property to anotiher owner during this periad. This A�reement may <br />be amended by m�tual consen# of tiae DNR and the Landowncr. The DNR sl�all have no obligation to restore the land to <br />its original condition upon expiratiozi ox tennination of t�iis Agreeinent. <br />Mike Halverson Date <br />Habitat and Developmcnt Cos�sultaFit, DNR-Fisheries <br />Project Cooperator <br />Titte <br />Date <br />�dau+cier, <br />Tit1c <br />Bate <br />