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Dafe: 07/1 I/p5 <br />Item: S.l�. <br />National Nigh� Out <br />Proclamation <br />��o�.�.��.��ro� <br />NAT�ONAL N�GHT OUT 2Q05 <br />WHEREAS, tlie Natiotit�l Associatrorz of Tow�i Watcfi (NATW) rs sponsoi�i�zg c� icnirrtre, <br />r:cctioriwide crinxe, clracg a�:cl viole�ice preventio�i progra�n on Aacgrast 2, 2005 called "N�tiorac�l <br />Nigl2t Dact ; arzd <br />WHEREAS, tlxe "22�id Ar�rzcrnl Natio�ial Niglit �irt",�r�ovides a icnilt�e opportac�iity for <br />Rosevil�e to join forces witla thprrsa�zds of otlaer co�nfna�rzities across tlie cou�ztt�y i�a pro�totirxg <br />coaperaiive, �olice-cor�:r�:xir�ity criraze a�:d dr•ieg preve�ztior2 efforts; a�zd <br />WHEREAS, Neiglallorhoorl Watclt �lays a vitr�! role ira assisti�ag tlae Roseville Police <br />tlirotaglt joi�xt cs�itlie, c�raig a�ar� viodelzce preventio�i efforts in Raseville a�zd is srcpporti�xg <br />"Nr�tianr�l Nig1�t Oart 2005" locally; and <br />WHERE�S, ii is esseratic�! tliat ccll citi7,eris af Roseville be aware of the i�azpartcc��ce of <br />crinie preve�ztio�i pragrarns a�ad tlae rmpccct tliat tlaeir participation ca�z have o�i rec�uciizg <br />crir�:e, drugs and violeizce i�z Roseville; aJad <br />WHEREAS, police- coy�tnzt�raity partsiershi�s, rieigliborlxood safety, ativareness arzd <br />cooper�atiolz are i�rxporta�it tlieines of tlze "Natio�zal Niglat Oirt"pr�vgrnfl�; <br />NOW, THERL'FORE WE, THE ROSEVILLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL, do <br />Itereby cr�ll �rpa�z all citize�as of Roseville to joi�i ROSEVILLE NEIGHBOI�HOOD WATCH <br />GR4UPS arz�l tlae Natio�zal Associatiora of Towrz Yvatcli i�i sacpportrrrg "22rz�1 A�zrizcal Naiioraad <br />Nigltt Oart" ora August 2, 2005. <br />FURTHER, LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT, WE, ROSEVILLE MAYQR AND CITY <br />CDUNCIL, do lierehy procluit�a Ti�esday, Accgacst 2, 2005 �ts "NATION�IL NIGHT OUT" i�i <br />I�OSE VILLE. <br />City Ma�ager <br />Mayor <br />