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Council Presentation - 2005 <br />Qn Tuesday, August 2nd, neighborhaods throughaut Roseville are being invited to join <br />forces r�rith thousands of comm�nities z�ationwide, for the 22nd Annual National Nighi <br />Ou� event. Roseville has been involved off czally with National Nigh� 4ut for the last 13 <br />years, and each year our city has wan a national award. <br />National Night Out is designed io: 1.) Heighten crime a�d drug prevention awareness; 2.} <br />Generate support for, and participatian in, local anticrime e�forts; 3.) Strengthen <br />neighborhnod �pirit and police-community partnerships and 4.) Send a message to <br />criminals letting them kriow t�ai neighbarhoods are organized and fighting back. <br />On August 2"a, residents in neighborhaods throughout Rc�seville and across t�e natian are <br />asked to lock their daors, turn on outside �ighis and spend the evening outside with <br />neighbors and palice. Many neighborhaods thraughout Raseville will be hosting block <br />parties and cookouts. <br />On National Night O�t, Poiice Off cers, k-9 uni�s and Fire Fighters along wit� McGruff <br />the Crime Dog spend time and visit with neighborhood bIock parties. <br />We anticipaie at leasi 60+areas to be involved in Natianal Night Ou�. Already there are <br />many block parties planned for August 2°�, hawever, if yau haven't signeti up, don't <br />worry, ihere's still titne. Please give me a call at fiS1-792�7209 to sign up or an <br />application can be dawnloaded from the Roseville police web�ite at <br />www.cityofroseville.eo�r�/police. Please indicaie on the application for�n if you'd Iike a <br />vzsit frorn the fire, or police department or bath when you send in your application. <br />Raseville's kickaff to Na�ional Night Out is Monday August 1 St. The city of Roseville <br />will be having its annual Family Night Out in Cen�ral Park from 5 to 8 PM. We'll have <br />50 different animals fram a local petting zoa, pony rides, and a Staie PatraI Helicopter <br />will �and and be open for public viewing. The Roseville police department r�iIl have a k-9 <br />demonstration, the fire department vvill be giving rides in the cherry picker and everyone <br />is encouraged to tour the fire engines. We'll also have food and enfertainment; iti sho��d <br />prave to be a fun night for all� This is our way of saying thank you to the citizens of <br />Roseville for helping us keep our community safe all year Iong. <br />We cannat do this withaut the help of ihe Palice Department, Fire Department, Parks and <br />Recreation Department and public works (for delivering and picking up the barricades), <br />police offcers, reserves and explarers. Of course the bigg�st help of all is a cammunity <br />that cares about its neighbors. This is what makes Roseville such a greaf place to iive. <br />With that, �'d like to requesi the Mayoar, couneil and ci�y �nanager acknowledge and signs <br />the �roclamation for Natianal Night Out. <br />