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1�� <br />� <br />Memo <br />To: N�a1 Beets, City Manager <br />�om: Tim Pratt, Communicatians Specialist <br />Da�e: 7uly b, 2005 <br />Re: Roseviile Circulator changes in service <br />D���: 0��11�as <br />����: s.� <br />Restructuring af Roseville <br />Circulatar Routes <br />Last week the Metropolitan Council which oversees Metropalitan Transit gave a reprieve to <br />the Roseville Circulator Rouies. In March, M�tro Transit proposed eliminating the Circulator <br />rautes as part of a plan to deal with $60 million in deficit�. The new plan has the five routes <br />�nerged into ilu-ee routes with limit�d service. <br />The Circulator routes conzaect the hub at Rosedale to Maplewood Mall (R.oute 223) or to the <br />Super Target an Shoreview (Routes 224-227} with some routes continuing on to the <br />Shoreview Community Center {Routes 224, 22b). <br />According to an article zn the Pioneer Press, ("Bus plan leaves some riders 'up in arms,"' <br />March 16, 2005) "Me�ro Transit relies on circulators during rus� hours ta cannect riders <br />with express bus routes. `While these are important services, they no doubi have low <br />rid�rsl�ip and a high taxpayer subsidy as a result,' said Metro Transit spokesman Bob <br />Gibbons." <br />The systern average subsidy per pass�nger is $2.27 for combined M�tropolitan Council <br />and Metro Transit service. The subsidy for the Circulator rautes is abaut $5.75 per <br />passe��ger. 40 passengers per l�our is the system average W- th� Circula�or routes are closer <br />to 1 S passengers per hour. <br />�n response to pubIic comment, Metro Transit agreed to retazn three Raseville Circulator <br />routes {223, 225 and 227) as "demonstra�ion service." There r�iIl be slight modifications <br />in service. For instance Saturday service on route 2�.3 will be eliminated ar�d service to <br />the Centennial Gardens apartments will be switciled to route 225. Routes 225 a�d 227 <br />will be remapped to include soma af the areas serviced by routes 224 and 226. However, <br />service to Eagle Crest, Nor�hwestern College and the Shoreview Cornrnunity Cenfier wilt <br />b� dropped — with limited service to Land Q' La�es, Medtronic and Deluxe. <br />Metro Transit has agreed to keep the Circulator routes as a demonstration service for up to two <br />years. And it �as agreed io r�vork with Roseville to heIp in marketing ihe service to improve <br />productivity. However, ixz fhe event the service is not "sustainable" Met Council policy allows <br />Metro Transit to cut back or eliminate the service without a public hearing. <br />The changes in the Circulator routes will be implerrieniect nn Sat�u-day, September 10. Fare <br />increases went inta effect on July 1. <br />11MeIro-inet.uslRosevillelCommunicationslTimPlAdministrationlBusivlemo.doc <br />