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� . � <br />�Nm �� ,�� ��'� � � � � � � � ��. ''�, � �' <br />June 30, 2005 <br />Mayor Crai� Klausing and Fellow City Cauncil Members <br />City of Roseville <br />2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Roseville, MN 55113 <br />Dear Mayor Craig Klausing and Fellow City Council Members: <br />Date: 07/11/OS <br />Item: S.d <br />Twin Cities North <br />C�a�nber of Coanmerce <br />The Twin Cit�es North Chamber of Comrnerce is t�ere to re�resent the r�eeds of a.rea businesses. Tl�e Twin Cities North <br />Chamber of Commerce eurrently serves t�e cities of: Arden Hilis, Blaine, Columbia Heights, Fridley, Mounds View, New <br />Bri�;hton, Shoreview and Spring Park. We n�any me�bers o£ al] szzes and demographics from within #hese <br />communities and from the surroundiz�g coznmunities as well. Na other local organization connects business on lcgislative, <br />municipal and connmunity issues or provides better venues fqr busir�ess confiacts. Our znission is devoted to serving the <br />interests af our member businesses. Membership provides oppartunities to reach new custamers, have a collective <br />business voice, and attend a variety qf prqgrarr�s to sharpen your corz�peti�i�e edge. T'he chamber's role witl� aur cities is <br />to provide eniaaaacement of their city marketing services �.nd to ssrve as a liaison between the city and the business <br />community. Here are some other ways ilae Chamber enhances businesses: <br />Econpmie Development^ The Chamber assists in the rccruitntent, retention and expansion af area businesses. Dur <br />economic deveIoprnent initiatives helg make this area a better place to li�e, work and do business. Everyone wins with a <br />strong locat ecanomy. <br />Networkin�: T'I�e Ci�amber hosts many networking events, business eard exchanges, iuncheons, two golf touz�r►a�nents <br />and an annual Gata fundraiser. <br />Advertisin� / Marketin� 'Tl�e Chamber is aa� affordable way to extend your reach witl� effective adv�rtising and <br />promotiot�s. Your rnernbership includes free listin�;s in tl�e Merrabership Directory/�3uyers Guide as weli as the <br />CommuniryMagazine. Your contact information will also be posted on the Chamber Websrte, and there will be a speci�c <br />page dedicated to the City nf Roseville. As a new xnember, you wi11 have the opportunity to be ir�cluded in the New <br />Mem�er Spotlight sec#io�► of the Chamber Newsletter. <br />The Chamber offers many advertising opportunities in the G'hamber NewsZetter, Community Map, Corrrmunity Magazine, <br />Memhership Directoty/Buyers Guide and on the Chamber Website. <br />Voice qf the Business Commar�itv: The Chamber is the local watchdog that mpniCors city, state and federal legislativn <br />that affects yaur business. We will keep you ir�formed on legzslative issues and fighi far ci�anges ti�at protect your hattom <br />line. By pooling aur resources and working together, we can nnake a difference. <br />Prqfessional Develog�ent: Sharpen your competitive edge with Charnb�r-sponsored events, designed to blend <br />networking a�zd educational topics. <br />Com�nanitv Involvement: The Chamber's Ci�aritable Gaming Division donates annually ta area hamanitarian and <br />educatipnal programs. <br />We invite �nu, the City af Roseville, to become part of this vital organization. The investmer�t for �e ciEy is a standard <br />ratc of $500 per year per city. Tkze chamber views this as a contraci for service, and we work closely with t�e cities that <br />we c�rrently servc to enhauce t�e business relatianships within that city. On behalf of tI�e Board oF Directors fpr tE�e Twin <br />Cities Nortl� Chamber, I weIcome and encourag� yo� to become part of this dy�amic organization. If you have any <br />quescions, please contact me. I Iook forward to hearing from you. <br />,�� <br />Si�ic cly, <br />� , F .� . � <br />=r' � �'C���%'7��-' `�`�-�����` � <br />�1�.IIIlOri 1VlE�eP ir� � "�a�r�ss Cs&i,e� �o�� f;�a���a�aer of C��a�ac�'ce <br />Chamber President � �'�sa¢r e�ca.rraber s� f c�a��r.�e! <br />53�3� �,c��;ev,�oot3 Driue, .��t"si:e 10� ,�a,�a��}s Vie3�, Iv[Iv 5�iI12 <br />���a�e�o 7fi:�-,`s7]_�787 �'���_:76�-5f"-%�'St) �-x�ir���i:ir2.faCR+�v��ir�� <br />�1������� ��,r,nsr_��nrir��i.t�it:a���r� <br />