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Department Approval: <br />.. <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Manager Review�d: <br />DATE: 7/11/05 <br />ITEM NO.: 6. <br />Agenda Section: <br />Item Descriptio�: Cantinued Public Improvement Hearings far 2005 Pavemenfi Managemen# <br />Program <br />Background: On May 25, 2005, the City Council held a public �earing far the 2D05 PMP. This was <br />for the following neighborhoad: <br />Neighborhood 32: Chatsworth Street (Lovell Avenue to Grandview Avenue} <br />Lovell Avenue {Cul-de-sac to Chatsworth Street} <br />At that meeting the City Council approved the proposed recanstruction of Chatsworth Street. <br />However, the Council moved to table action on Lovell A�enue reconstructzon until t�ie July 11, 2005 <br />City Cauncil meeting and schedulcd Public Hearing to consider reconstruetion optians %r Lovell <br />Avenue to allow furt�ear consideration and negotiations by staff with property owner representatives <br />of Real Life Church and Rose of Sharon Nursing Home. <br />Two aIternatives were presented #o the City Counc'tl at the May 23rd Public Hearing, We have <br />added a third aliernaiive which is the result of discussions with the property owners. <br />R�construct the,rnad_to Cit,y standards: The roadway could be reconstructed to City standards <br />with a cul- c�e- sac at the west end. Due to t�e need foz ernergency vehicIe access and parking <br />the street would need to be built at l�ast 32 feet wide. The costs would be assessed to the <br />properties accarding to the City's assessr�ent policy. The currenfi city policy is to assess 25% <br />of the front footage cost. <br />Alternative 1 Costs <br />Ci Funds $90,922.82 <br />Assessed Amaunt $24,90 i .57 <br />Total Pro'ect Cost $115,824.39 <br />Assessment Rate $41.01/ foot <br />2. Do nothin�: The City could leave the roadway in its present condition. However, t�e <br />condition of this street is deteriorating. The eurrent condition is poor and is in �he need of <br />