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considerable mainte�ance. As a:result of this we feel that it necessary to reconstruct the road <br />to avoid considerable ongoing maintcnance costs. <br />3. New cul- de- sac: This alternative would be ta construct a cu�- de- sac along the westerly <br />property line of Real life church. This cul- de- sac couId becom� the public access to these <br />praperties, ar�d the two owners could then petitian for the vacation of Lovell Avenue. The <br />vaeated Lovell Avenu� right- flf- way could then be used ta meet the private future needs of <br />these two property owners. Staff does beiieve that this aIternative is feasible, hnwever, at this <br />time, no agreement has been reached beiween the parties. Since there has been no consensus, <br />we have not met with property owners in the Grandview Town homes to ascertain their <br />support of this propasal. We have esti�ated that tl�e cost to construct Alternative 3 would be <br />$94,400. <br />Schedule: We recommend that this project be included in the S. Owasso Blvd contract. It could <br />also be included in the Roselawn contrac#, that project is scheduled for �ext year's canstruction <br />s�ason. <br />Staff Recoarnmendation: Staff recommends that the City Council consider the three aIternatives, <br />and Qrder ihe reconstruction project. <br />RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: <br />Adoption of a resalutian ordering the reconstruction of improven�e�ts P-ST-OS-02, with <br />recommendations on the street design alternative as autlinec� above. <br />Prepared by: Debra Bloom <br />