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City Council Meeting Packets
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Last modified
5/12/2014 10:29:57 AM
Creation date
9/14/2009 10:03:13 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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--��� �° <br />Section I. Participant Values and Observations about their <br />Neighborhoods <br />�i��rr�� do participants value about thez�° nei�hbo�•]xoads? <br />On their feedback sheets, participants were asked what they value most about their <br />neighborhoods. Among their responses five values surfaced more frequently than others. <br />L Neighbars and Neighbarliness —Respondents often included qualifiers that indicated <br />what they were thinking. In some cases, respondents mentioned that they have known <br />— their neighbars for a long period of time and have become friends who are actively <br />— engaged in keeping their block or neighborhood safe. In other cases, respondents <br />— referred to an appreciation far the diversity brought by neighbars � different cultural, <br />— ethnic, and economic backgrounds. <br />2. Convenient Location—Respondents expressed appreciation that places and community <br />amenities such as shopping, places of warship, schools, parks, cultural facilities, and <br />both Minneapolis and S� Paul downtowns are easy to get to. Respondents noted that <br />access is facilitated not only by Roseville's strategic geographic location, but also �,� the <br />street and freeway netwark. <br />3. Quiet and Safe— Although respondents provided less written description far this value, <br />comments during small and large group discussions suggest that people appreciate <br />streets that have less traffic, an environment with lower levels of activity, and low crime <br />rates. <br />4. Parks and Open Space—Parks were uniformly considered an asset to neighborhoods <br />and participants frequently talked about the need to maintain them and monitar activity <br />to deter vandalism and keep them safe places to be in. The type of open space referenced <br />often included vacant lots as well as publicly owned wetlands and lakes. <br />5. Maintained Properties—Pride of place as reflected in physical appearance, repair, and <br />general cleanliness of private and public property came across as an underlying theme. <br />While respondents were referring to single-family houses most often, they also included <br />multi-familyhousing and comzxiercia�/indusErial properties, public roadsides, and parks <br />as among the places that should be well maintained. <br />In addition to these values, schools, public facilities (the Oval and the FaiXView Community <br />Center), walkways and paths, quality government services and a"small town feel" were <br />frequently mentioned. <br />1ZaseviIle �HRA Community D'zalop e on Hausing ---DiZ1�FT--- <br />Prepared by the Center for Poiicy, Planning, and Performance <br />
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