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�� � �� � <br />.n,�j;yr�c Housingand Redevelo�ment.i•: ��firin <br />Background Information <br />HRA Community Dialogues on Housing <br />North East Area Dialogue <br />Apri119,2005 <br />Roseville �i ��� Hall <br />The Roseville Housing and RedevelopmentAuthority (HRA)wants to better understand community concerns <br />about housing issues. To achieve irhis goal, the IIRA, with support af the City Council, is holding a series of five <br />neighborhood meetings and two meetings with businesses and orr�z�izatio�s. <br />These dialogues are being facilitatedby the Center for Policy, Planning, and Performance. There will be a report to <br />the City Council, which will include what was learned from listening to the community and recommendations about <br />ways to address housing issues now and in the future. <br />In an effortto share information as the process unfolds, a summary of each dialogue is being made available to the <br />public. Summaries will be available at neighborhood dialogues, on the �RA web site, and upon request to the City. <br />For more information, go to www.citvofroseville.comand click on the "Housing & RedevelopmentAuthority" <br />link or Call HRA staff at 651-792-7015. <br />North East Area Summary <br />Wt►o Attended? <br />Fourteen (14)residents and three (3)members of <br />the k��I�.P�. attended the dialogue. Three (3)University <br />of Minnesota students who were observing public <br />participation processes for a class assignment were <br />also present. <br />One staff member of the City's Community De- <br />velopment Department was present. �•I � shared sta- <br />tistical information about the different planning dis- <br />tricts included in ihe North East area and responded <br />to questions. <br />Nine (9) af the participants who completed feed- <br />back forms live in the North East area. A majarity cf <br />the respondents: <br />�* live in a single-familyhouse; <br />� own their home; and <br />� plan to be living in the same home three years <br />from now. <br />On average, respondents have lived in Roseville <br />for 28 years and in their neighborhoods for 16 years. <br />There were about the same number cf women as <br />men, and eight (8) � the respondents were between <br />the ages of 36 and 65. <br />What do participants value about their <br />neighborhoods? <br />Respondents mentioned the following characteris- <br />tics z�ost often: <br />;� Convenientlocation (7 times) <br />•; Neighbors (7 times) <br />� Parks, open space, and pathways (4 times) <br />°{ Schools (4 times) <br />Other qualities that were mentioned two or three <br />times included: <br />� Quiet <br />� Safety <br />Were participants satis�ed with the <br />dialogue? <br />Ten (10) af the eleven (l l�espondents agreed <br />that they had an opportunity to voice their thoughts <br />during small group discussions. Eight (8) persons <br />thought that the dialogue was informative. <br />Five (5) participants indicated interestin having <br />similar dialogues on other citywide topics. No one <br />topic was mentioned more than once. Topics men- <br />tioned included: <br />•� Architectural control on remodeling <br />� Housing redevelopment <br />� Refraining from over regulation <br />