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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 14, 2009 <br />Page 6 <br />At the request of Mayor Klausing, City Manager Bill Malinen briefly reviewed <br />this item. <br />City Manager Malinen briefly highlighted the Request for Council Action dated <br />September 14, 2009; revising the Plan Documents due to changes in laws and <br />regulations, with the document not having been updated since 1994. <br />Councilmember Ihlan noted receipt of the e-mail documentation before the meet- <br />ing and that the documentation had not been fully revised; and expressed her <br />preference to defer action until the draft had been completed and could be re- <br />viewed by Councilmembers. <br />Human Resources Manager Eldona Bacon apologized for the delay and advised <br />that the finalized form had not been received from the City Attorney, other than a <br />draft in-house; even though it had been anticipated for action at tonight's meeting. <br />Mayor Klausing, with Council consensus, requested that staff defer action until <br />the September 21, 2009 City Council agenda. <br />b. Approve 2009 Law Enforcement Legal Services Contract Terms (formerly <br />Consent Item 7.h) <br />At the request of Mayor Klausing, City Manager Bill Malinen briefly reviewed <br />this item. <br />City Manager Malinen briefly reviewed the Request for Council Action dated <br />September 14, 2009; detailing terms of the 2009 Law Enforcement Legal Services <br />(EELS) Contract. Mr. Malinen advised that this would basically provide market- <br />level adjustments, in keeping officers at the same level relative to the metropoli- <br />tan area market place; and would serve as acost-effective settlement to the City in <br />avoiding the high costs of arbitration. <br />Discussion included terms of the contract and individual nature of this contract in <br />relationship to other contracts, <br />Councilmember Ihlan sought clarification of the actual term of the contract and its <br />applicable context. <br />Ms. Bacon advised that the City now used a comparison of 10 surrounding metro- <br />politan communities of similar population and with similar operations, rather than <br />the former Stanton V Group, to avoid comparisons with larger communities (i.e., <br />Bloomington). Ms. Bacon further advised that it was the request of the officers <br />for a three percent (3%) rather than 2.9% for 2009 to stay in line with peer com- <br />munities and not lose ground. <br />