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� ��� i �,. � e, <br />Wha�. is your view of the role of a member of the Housing and Retievelop � <br />role af the mernber would be �o advacate Roseville as a good place to be u <br />businesses and industries in our city. We nee.d to have a good mix of housing stock and <br />pY1C� r�ncres to be able to have a variety of people with di��erent socia�-�conomic <br />backgrounds to have opportunities to �ive and work here in Roseville, <br />Any further intormatio� you wau�d like the City Council to consitier or Chat you feel is <br />relevant to the appointment you are seeking.: z grew up in Roseville, on7y to move away <br />for 15 years but now I have come bac3c to rny hornetown since last y�ar. I know the area and <br />the qua�ities it has to offsr. <br />I understand that all informatiori provided in this application, except my te�ephone <br />numner, fax nuinber and email address, may be distributed by the C�ty to the public <br />including, but not limited to, being posted on the City of Roseville website, I agree �o <br />waive any anci all cTaims under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, or any other <br />applicable state and federal law, cha� in any way related to the dissemination to the <br />pu3�iic of inforrnation contairied in thas applicatioii that would be cla�si:Eied as pYivate <br />under sucrr l�ws. I understand that I may �antact the responsible authority for the City of <br />Roseville if I have any questians regarding the public o� pri.vate nature of the <br />in�ormation provided.: Yes <br />T understand that the City will not publish my phone or fax nurrtbers or email� address <br />without my authorization �nd do hereby allow the City ta publish {check a13 ti-ia� apply).: <br />Work fax num}�er,HomE email address <br />paytime Telephone: <br />Evening Telephone: <br />Home Telephone (if different): <br />work 7elephane (if di�fer�nt}: <br />Home Fax: <br />work Fax: 952-546-4662 <br />f3ame �mail: � <br />�ork Email: <br />T�iay we contact yau us�na your work em�il ox fax?: Yes <br />I have read and understand the statements cri this farm, �nd � k�ereby swear or affi�-m tha"t <br />the statements on this forrn are true. : Yes <br />Additional Informataon: <br />Form submi�.ted on: 9/10/2009 2:55:19 Pt�i <br />5ubmitted from ZP Addz�ss: <br />�orm Address:,?FID=251 <br />Confidenti�l��y St.atement: The dacumerits accompanyina this transmission contain <br />confidentxal informa�ion that is legally privi�eged. This information is intended only <br />for the use of the indivicluals or entities 1z�ted abave. If you are not �he �.ntended <br />recipient, you are hereby notifzed that any dzsclosure, copying, distribution, or acta.on <br />taken in reiiance on the contents oi these documents is strictly prohibated. I£ you have <br />received this infarm�tion in error, please no�z�y the sender imrnedi�tely and �rrange for <br />the return or destruction of �hese dacurrzents. <br />2 <br />
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