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4.O BACKGROUND <br />4.1 The subject property, located in Planning District 6, has a Comprehensive Plan designation of <br />Community Susiness (CS) and a current zoning designation of Single Family Residence District <br />(R-1). <br />4.2 The applicant held the required neighborhood open house on September 24, 2009, from 5:00 PM <br />to 8:00 PM. Four people attended. Questions and comments generally related to future access <br />from Wewers Road, storm water management, allowable uses under the S-3 district, and <br />neighborhood buffers. See Attachment C to review the applicant's summary of the open house. <br />4.3 Pursuant to Minnesota statute 462.357 subd. 2(b): "The adoption or amendment of any portion <br />of a zoning ordinance which changes all or part of the existing classification of a zoning <br />district from residential to either commercial or industrial requires a two-thirds majority <br />vote of all members of the governing body." <br />4.O REVIEW OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />4.1 When reviewing applications to rezone land, Community Development Department staff must <br />first determine whether the anticipated use and subsequent zoning district designation is consistent <br />with Roseville's Comprehensive Land Use Plan (it is not). <br />4.2 The Community Susiness designation in the approved 2030 Comprehensive Plan is described as: <br />"Commerical areas oriented toward businesses involved with the sale of goods and services to a <br />local market area. Community business areas include shopping centers and freestanding <br />businesses that promote community orientation and scale. To provide access and manage traffic, <br />community business areas are located on streets deisgnated as A Minor Augmementors or A <br />Minor Relievers in the Transportation Plan." The 2030 Comprehensive Plan does neither <br />identifies specific uses within this category nor links it to any particular zoning district. <br />5.O STAFF COMMENTS <br />5.1 State law requires that a property's zoning be consistent with its future land use designation. <br />Minnesota Statute 473.858 subd. 1 states: "If the comprehensive municipal plan is in conflict with <br />the zoning ordinance, the zoning ordinance shall be brought into conformance with the plan by <br />local government units in conjunction with the review and, if necessary, amendment of its <br />comprehensive plan required under section 473.864, subdivision 2." As established in Sections 4.0 <br />of this report, the current R-1 zoning designation is in conflict with the subject property's future <br />land use designation of Susiness; thus the City must either amend the future land use designation <br />for the subject parcel to Low Density Residential or rezone it to one of the corresponding business <br />zoning districts (S-1, S-1S, S-2, S-3, S-4, or S-6) to eliminate the conflict. <br />5.2 This parcel has been guided for business use since at least the late 1990's. Staff has not found <br />anything in the record on why this parcel has not been rezoned consistent with its Comprehensive <br />Land Use guiding. <br />PF09-026 RCA 10262009.doc <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />