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Attachment B <br />���: . �.� � � <br />; <br />� �. �i �i,'�y�;�� _ i����:`�`�5"���,,;'"'��. f'�'"�"''� x�'°��.,���z.%'°�-��"�'""�v°^��`'r;��`'✓ix " .-����.'� <br />Marci-► 25, 2009 <br />Jamie Radel, Econ.omic Development Associate <br />City of Roseville <br />2660 Ci�ic Center Drive <br />Roseville, MN 551 li <br />RE: City af Roseville 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update - IncompCete for I�eview <br />Metropolitan Council Review File N�. 20516-1 <br />Metropolitan Council District l0, Kris Sanda <br />Dear Ms. Radel: <br />Thank you for submitting the City of Roseville'S 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update (Update), received on <br />March 6, 2009. T17e Counci] staff finds tl�e Upda�e in.camplete for review and will s�xspend further review <br />untiI the City subinits the follo�vi��g rec�uested materials, and. the Cauncil staff evaluates the�n. <br />REQUFRED MAT�RIALS: <br />Aviatian (Chauncey Case, 651-b02-1724) <br />The Update is incomplete for aviation. The Update needs to l) reference the current aviation <br />requireinents as ii�cl.tided in Che Loca] Pl.annin� Handbook, <br />http:llwww.rt�etrocoui�.cii.or�pl.annin.�ILPHILPHSect4.pdf#p��e=8, and' 2} include a notification. �o the <br />Federa� Aviation Agency. Please note the Haridbool�'s lin[c to the MnDOT Aeronautics web page, and to <br />text concernin� tall tawers. <br />Transportation (James Andre�v, 651-602-172-1) <br />The Update is i��complete for transportation. The Upda.te needs to state that Rosevitle is within the <br />Metropolitan Transit T'axing District and is �vit]-►in Marke�t Areas �11 and III. Service options f�r Market <br />Area II incl�de re�ular-route locals; all-day expresses, s�.nall vehicle circulators, special n�eds paratra»sit <br />{ADA, seniors), and ridesharing. Selvice options for Market Area III inckude peak-only express, small <br />ve�hicle circuIators, inidday cir�ulators, needs �aratransit (ADA, seni�rs), �Id ridesharing. <br />Local Surface Water Management (Judy 5ventek, 602-651-1156) <br />Tf�e Update is incomplete for local surface water mat�a�ement review, and refers to tEle 2003 <br />Con�►prehensive Surface Water Nlanagement Plan (CSWMP). Since 2003, tlze Metropolitan Council <br />updated its WaTer Resources Managemen.t {WRMPP}. The WRMPP includes some new <br />requirements for [acal water maiiageinen# plans which are not covered in #he Update or in the City's 2p03 <br />CS WMP. The Council is aware that the three watersl�eds are in the process of updating their watershed <br />management plans which means tliat the City will need to update its CSWMP within the next two years <br />or shortly thereafter. Therefore, the Update's environmenta] protection section n.eeds to address the <br />followi�a�:. <br />■ Incliide an update on the City's work to develop and rnaintai�l an inventory of wetE.ands tivithin <br />high priority areas by 2008 (2003 CSWMP, policy 5.1, goal 5�. If the City E�as not cornpleted tl�is <br />aciion, it ne�ds to ide�i�ify when this work wil[ be completed. <br /> <br />390 Robert Street North • St. Paul, MN 55101 1805 •(651} 602-1000 • Fax {651) 602-1550 • T"fY (65I) 291-0904 <br />An Equni Qpporfuni[y Entployer <br />
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