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<br />STATE OF MINNESOTA) <br />) SS <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEr ) <br /> <br />I the undersigned, the duly qualified and acting Village Clerk of <br />the Village of Rosevil1e (herein called the "Applicant" and the keeper <br />of the records of the Applicant, including the journal of proceedings <br />of the Village C01mcil (herein called the "governing body") do hereby <br />certify: <br /> <br />1. That the attached resolution is a true and correct copy of <br />the resolution as finally adopted at a meeting of the governing body <br />held on the 17th day of NOIfember, 1959, and duly recorded in my office. <br /> <br />2. That such meeting was duly cOllV'ened and held in all respects <br />in accordance with law and to the extent requjred by" law, due and proper <br />notice of such meeting was given; and a legal quorum was present throughout <br />the meeting, and a 1ega1l.y sufficient number of members of the governing <br />body voted in the proper manner and for the adoption of said resolution; <br />that all other requirements and proceedings under the law incident to the <br />proper adoption or passage of said resolution, including publication, if <br />required, have been duly fulfilled, carried out, and otherwise observed,; <br />and that I am authorized to execute this certificate; <br /> <br />3. That if an impression of a seal has been affixed below, it <br />consti tutes the official seal of the Applicant and this certificate is <br />hereby executed under such official seal; but if no seal has been affixed <br />the applicant does not have an official seal; <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHE:ftEOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 17th da;y of <br />November, 19,9. <br /> <br />/" <br /> <br />