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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 12, 2009 <br />Page 11 <br />weeks, and allowing the City Council to ultimately reject all bids at their discre- <br />tion. <br />Councilmember Pust noted the distinction in costs for Fire vehicles and equip- <br />ment compared to other rolling stock. <br />Additional discussion included vehicle replacement cycles and annual replace- <br />ment of a portion of that rolling stock (i.e., Police squads); current versus pre- <br />ferred replacement strategies and funding; the number of calls per year that this <br />engine responds to, estimated at approximately 1500 fire and EMS-related calls, <br />comparable to a busy engine company in St. Paul or Minneapolis; typical staffing <br />of the vehicle with between two to four; and the department's continual evalua- <br />tion of their vehicles and equipment, based on maintenance and life expectancy, <br />with Acting Chief O'Neill anticipated that it would be five or six years before re- <br />placement of another engine would be necessary, depending on the number of sta- <br />tions determined for operation. <br />Councilmember Johnson opined that the Fire Department account didn't seem to <br />be the problem, when they were utilizing their depreciation as it should be and <br />should serve as an example for the City Council in appropriating pro rata funding <br />for other department rolling stock and equipment needs. Councilmember Johnson <br />advised that he didn't see this as the Fire Department being rewarded, but that it <br />appeared to be working as government should work. Councilmember Johnson <br />noted that while previous City Council's had abandoned compliance with depre- <br />ciation accounts, it was important to recognize this as working and move forward <br />to address other rolling stock needs in a less problematic way. Councilmember <br />Johnson expressed his appreciation to the Department for a refreshing look at <br />funding that was working well. <br />Johnson moved, Roe seconded, authorization for the Fire Department to seek bids <br />for the purchase of a new Fire Rescue/Pumper apparatus and accompanying <br />equipment for said apparatus. <br />Councilmember Ihlan, while having similar concerns to those of Councilmember <br />Pust, noted that supporting this request was not the equivalent of authorizing pur- <br />chase; and that an opportunity to revisit subsequent purchase would be possible <br />following further reprioritization exercises in the budget process and in compari- <br />son with needs of other departments. Councilmember Ihlan noted that it was ap- <br />parent that the department was thinking of long-term needs, and that there would <br />be remaining funds to provide future efficiencies as well. <br />Councilmember Pust spoke in support of the motion; and commended the de- <br />partment on the work they had done in achieving this fund; and expressed her de- <br />sire that purchase could ultimately be realized. <br />