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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 12, 2009 <br />Page 21 <br />open enrollment pending for employee health care, and other COLA figures not <br />yet available. <br />Acting Mayor Roe suggested that staff plug into Attachment A more specific <br />items on Attachment B as a helpful starting point. <br />Councilmember Pust noted that some decision-makers needed numbers from <br />which to work. <br />Mr. Miller advised that it was staff's goal to have the numbers included with the <br />priorities and rankings by November 9, 2009; allowing staff to bring forward a <br />staff-recommended budget at that time, program by program, and resources <br />needed to accomplish goals and objectives; allowing the City Council to reallo- <br />cate or eliminate programs or services accordingly. <br />Councilmember Johnson opined that the City Council had made an agreement <br />with staff with the Council majority voted on the BFO approach and process; and <br />should be working on the process, rather than the ongoing debate. Councilmem- <br />ber Johnson noted that there was an additional meeting, October 26, 2009 not in- <br />cluded on the schedule, allowing additional time for staff to get the numbers into <br />the rankings, or Phase II of the process. Councilmember Johnson offered his con- <br />tinued support of the BFO process, keeping debate to a minimum to accomplish <br />the task at hand. <br />Acting Mayor Roe noted that staff may need two weeks to compile the informa- <br />tion to provide to Councilmembers. <br />Councilmember Ihlan advised that, in requesting this information, she was trying <br />to make a good faith effort to do prioritizations; however, again expressed her <br />frustration with the lack of support of her colleagues. Councilmember Ihlan ques- <br />tioned why, if she liked to use numbers, why she couldn't receive the requested <br />numbers to allow her to do her job. Councilmember Ihlan, related to employee <br />health care costs, opined that it was unproductive to put the City Council in a po- <br />sition that programs and/or services would need to be cut to accommodate ade- <br />quate health care benefits for employees. <br />Acting Mayor Roe advised that Mr. Miller had already been requested to apply <br />the numbers, based on the 2009 budget and Springsted report. <br />Councilmember Ihlan renewed and expanded upon her motion: <br />Ihlan moved, Pust seconded, requesting a 2010 staff-recommended budget by Oc- <br />tober 26, 2009, that corresponded to the preliminary budget and levy, similar to <br />that presented in 2009, as a framework for the BFO process and for discussion <br />purposes. <br />